Other > Faction Announcements

Searching for wood.. ehm faction.

(1/2) > >>

Pretty simple:
- over 17 yo
- Can speak English and German and Polish
- got stuff& bases&alts
- looking for team to play mostly TCs
- I'm trustable but I don't need to see your bases with stuff.
Can use TS/Mumble

PM me if you're interested.
I've played before with some factions, but mostly they moved on TLAmk2.

Gladiators could invite you. They needed someone more experienced. They are 5 or 6 I think.


--- Quote from: Margaux on April 22, 2013, 02:50:00 am ---Gladiators could invite you. They needed someone more experienced. They are 5 or 6 I think.

--- End quote ---

Time to smash skulls and this kind of stuff :p.

well thats if you come to fight us because for some reason thre running scared again to fight us, :D we have whooped them 3 times now

Sorry to admit this, but I cannot play with The Invicible Gladiators anymore, there are few consisting problems:
- No voice chat
- Different time zones
- Not being active faction

So I resigned from the bases, hoping for another faction which will be more suitable for me.


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