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Wipe the game or not?

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--- Quote from: greenthumb on April 27, 2013, 01:48:17 am ---iam glad you shared your feelings and emotions. Sometimes its realy necessary to release them, no matter what. But then people usualy calm down and overview things with detachment.
If you would be able to name wrong things, i would gladly read next textwall with a content.

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the wrong things have been written a crapload of times before and they were also written in zuhardu's posts, but you probably skipped first year of school, namely the reading classes.


I think the game should have been wiped after the stealing \ mining update. Because it changed alot of things and some characters aren't so useful anymore.

Anyway, Jovanka said in another thread that blueprints will have to be fixed before any wipe would happen.

Well maybe iam just dumb or ignorant. But could anybody try to explain me what would wipe change for:

B/PvP players
C/Overall server situation

Thanks in advance


--- Quote from: greenthumb on April 27, 2013, 10:22:23 am ---Well maybe iam just dumb or ignorant. But could anybody try to explain me what would wipe change for:

B/PvP players
C/Overall server situation

Thanks in advance

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The arms race starts all over again...

There are still things that need to be finished, nerfed, buffed before we can do wipe.


--- Quote from: Mayck on April 27, 2013, 10:24:46 am ---The arms race starts all over again...

There are still things that need to be finished, nerfed, buffed before we can do wipe.

--- End quote ---
A/Wipe would make all players  become newcomers, so it might have some value for these, but in current situation newcomers arent distracted from game by any overarmed apes too. Only missing is PC interaction, becouse of lack of players. But whats the real reason of they absence? I have to say, as first its just TLAMK2, then its stupid rumours,gossips and whinings spread all over community, most of them based on another stupid rumours, gossips or whinings.

B/I believe its a bad idea for PvPers to wipe, it will delete all their alts and stuff. They will be forced to farm/craft/level all of them again. I though its smthing what would PVPers gladly prevent. Am i wrong? How does arms race influence individual town controls? Since all PVP stuff is available for PVPers (in their bases right now),in case of wipe it would be like a week to gather all stuff again, but whats the major diffrence? Do PVP apes desire to have 1 week of PVE fun before doing PVP again? Seems i though wrong again, PVPers dont like TC itself but they love PVE actualy, at least they need it by time to time.

C/I admit wipe would might increase number of players slightly.But why people are not playing right now, but they would play if just wipe would happen??? Nothing would change, just history of your gaming has to be deleted to be able continue playing again? Another mystery for me.

I didnt find a point for restarting arms race again, i see only deficit for anybody who used to play. No funnier TC, No more helpful situation for newcomers, Not easier farming/crafting/whatever, just instant loose of what you made to be able have fun, So why we need restart arms race once we are all well armed and looking for fight?


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