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Changelog 28/03/2010
what exactly did you fix about explosive rockets? it still give 60 xp and 58 minutes cooldown
--- Quote from: Lexx on March 28, 2010, 07:34:44 pm ---FIXES:
* Deleted workbench demand for some recipes.
--- End quote ---
I cant log in just right now, but im so curious, was the requrement for workbech removed from Primitive Tools recipe?
Yes, the primitive tool does not requier workbench. Also it will be useful to make ropes. Good for the stimpacks :)
try to run the updater once, people who have problems.
EDIT : no change on rocket xp, still 60 by the way.
--- Quote from: Lexx on March 28, 2010, 07:43:16 pm ---Stimpak was 20 and super stimpak was 75. Healing powder was 18 with -1PE.
--- End quote ---
no f way stimpak was healing me for 12 mostly no way it was 20...even if so then SS should be 150 now (lol)
actually i would worry about FA now even more - it all makes FA obsolate now ..... hmm partially is good coz you will be able to keep combat camability between chars with fa/dc and repair/science much closer .... on second tough its quite nice
now we would only need some doctor bag - made with lv 3 doc and allows you to cure injury when used
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