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Author Topic: Changelog 2/04/2013  (Read 71438 times)


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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #180 on: April 07, 2013, 02:46:57 pm »

I'd never be able to be more rude and aggressive than a player, no matter how hard i'll try. And you are the one of few which makes this statement always true. Well, it's your boat, sail as you want. I'd stopped expecting anything from things which may be posted here long ago - forum swim in a sea of own stinking product, and doesn't look like it's going to change, ever. No matter what staff member will do, it will be become shit after forum-filter. Even if it's something what has been requested 5 minutes ago.
Jesus Christ, how horrifying. Have you ever paused to think why do those awful things always seem to happen to you? Yeah, must be the horribad playerbase. The hilarious part is that most people you're so quick to complain about and scratch off as "whiners" are the closest thing to groupies you're ever going to see in the gaming world when it comes to other titles. How come?

Great example of that is so commented shit shovelling and grave digging - minor non-pvp/non-crafting/non-ncr activities, that was and are frequently requested (at least that's how i understand "there's nothing else to do"). When they become reality, they're on top of forum's hate list. 2238 circle of life, nothing new.
Yeah, those terrible players, they fail to appreciate all the rewarding and complicated endgame mechanics these groundbreaking features entail. I mean when you say Fallout, you immediately think shoveling dung, right? Right?

Yes, i know that. I'm hiding around the corner every time i see them on streets of my city.
You do realize that posting passive-aggressive stuff like that sort of proves that you understand you've all earned their open hostility over the years, right? It's not even like I'm one of those hardcore haters, I just understand where they're coming from and I have a lot of appreciation for the comic value of the fact that you guys are still in denial about having alienated a massive part of your playerbase through unnecessary development choices. In all honesty, it's almost as if you were trying to grief players without actually realizing the meaning of your actions - hence the alien mind control/parasite joke.

So, why i'm angry at you? Guess i don't want to see players which i remember most (surprisingly, many of them come from BBS or was somehow connected to them) from private "player era" taking part into this freak show which is going on here. Don't want to remember them later next to currently fabulous forum warriors, which lacks some kind of freaky class that good old 2238 players had.
Nothing that's happening here is my fault or the fault of other players and you know that. Shifting the blame might be good when it comes to dealing with the psychological aftermath in your head, but in the end it just makes you look all the more arrogant.

Anyway, time for my turn is almost gone, i have to give you and everyone else a chance to prove me and everyone else in team that we should never touch computers in our lives, or anything which can run predefined actions. Maybe with exception for a washing machine :)
You're a smart girl, you should know that the whole "if you haven't done it better than us you should stop talking" thingie is nothing more than an intellectual fallacy... and even if it wasn't, I think the TLA people have done a perfectly good job when it comes to proving you're not the hot shit you think you are. I mean even those - to use your lingo - aggressive asshole whiners are impressed and approach this new TLA server with enthusiasm, giving it their full support. Do you know why? Because that other devteam actually earned it.


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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #181 on: April 07, 2013, 03:10:41 pm »

...and here i am, yet again trying to make you drop aggressive tone for few minutes... it almost looks that you forgot how to do that, at least on this forum. And you're not alone in that.
Sorry for troubling you, won't happen again.
Games are meant to be created, not played...
Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #182 on: April 07, 2013, 03:11:30 pm »

Let's just agree that tlamk2 is better and 2238 should just give up since they lack any ability to actually make a game worth playing. It's funny how many suggestions I've made that were rejected often with the excuse that it couldn't be done due to hardcoding yet it works on tla, like crafting in batches.

But seriously, no one plays this game any more. Too many stupid design choices, unwillingness to add content, glacier speed response to fixing bugs. They weren't making this game for the players when they actually had some and they sure as hell aren't now that the server is down to a couple dozen people.

Go home 2238, you're drunk.

also wipe just because something is free doesn't mean people will play it if it's shit.


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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #183 on: April 07, 2013, 03:15:43 pm »

Let's just agree that tlamk2 is better and 2238 should just give up since they lack any ability to actually make a game worth playing. It's funny how many suggestions I've made that were rejected often with the excuse that it couldn't be done due to hardcoding yet it works on tla, like crafting in batches.
Bunch of bollocks.

TLAmk2 is better only in quests, the PVP there just is there numbers/lvled alts>tactic
The crafting system is "too" wastelandish, you need chemicals to craft simple leather jacket... and to get those you need to make some efforts.
Stuff easily abusable, just loot it from caravans vs anything.
Again, if you aren't fast enough, or don't have outdoorsman you die in 50% encounters --> making your replication cost higher.
Also exploits for guys which started earlier, so you can't get them month after.
Want more?
Both servers aren't great and need improvements.


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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #184 on: April 07, 2013, 03:23:56 pm »

Let's just agree that tlamk2 is better and 2238 should just give up since they lack any ability to actually make a game worth playing.
Is it really so hard to accept that we won't "give up" because other team made something in different way? And really, what's wrong with you guys that you stand the fact that there exists more than one FOnline-based server? It always have to be just one, other should shut down in release day - and if they won't, you put a lot of effort to make them so - just look at amount of 'i don't play, but i daily troll around' posts :)
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 03:26:08 pm by Wipe »
Games are meant to be created, not played...


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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #185 on: April 07, 2013, 03:34:42 pm »

And really, what's wrong with you guys that you stand the fact that there exists more than one FOnline-based server?
Probably This.

2238 Server is kind of hipster wastelandish ideas, making it more "realistic wasteland", while TLamk2 going back to Fallout ideas, quest lines, crafting like real Madmaxwanabees.


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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #186 on: April 07, 2013, 03:40:49 pm »

Haters gonna hate.

Some people enjoy what you guys are doing. I like this server even though its a harsh love.

Scamers: Grimmi
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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #187 on: April 07, 2013, 03:51:11 pm »

Let's just agree that tlamk2 is better and 2238 should just give up
No it's not, so many retarded features, crafting so realistic I won't be surprised finding a blueprint for buttons necessary to craft leather jacket MkIII, crawling instead of travelling (one of my "favs", no matter the name of server is), prices of bases and cars out of the arse, weird encounters like mantis' or wolves, very ugly maps design, weapons from all Sci-Fi games you can only imagine and so on. It's far from "good" server, so TLA mk2 isn't better, it's just 2238 became worse and worse. Shit happens, deal with it.
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #188 on: April 07, 2013, 03:56:14 pm »

What is up with the server? The past few days I have been rolled back in time several times. Example: I have a character in NCR, he looks at map for tent at hinkley, he travels to the tent, yet the next time I log in he is still in NCR and cannot see the tent at Hinkley.
Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #189 on: April 07, 2013, 07:04:01 pm »

Updated mines look very nice. Don't mind the haters devs, you're doing a good job.

Joe Deer
Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #190 on: April 07, 2013, 08:18:51 pm »

There not there messing a good thing up, dev should do something before its too late can't you see why so many players are  complaining


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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #191 on: April 07, 2013, 08:20:22 pm »

Updated mines look very nice. Don't mind the haters devs, you're doing a good job.

Joe Deer
new minig is shit. now you need to lvl a miner? and 4 hq minerals per vein? with that i dont even craft 100 7.62 ammo. and with 30 players online i cant buy them couse nobody sells them. crafting now its a lot of work to get killed and lose your stuff, like i said this game is for factions only


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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #192 on: April 07, 2013, 08:36:35 pm »

new minig is shit. now you need to lvl a miner? and 4 hq minerals per vein? with that i dont even craft 100 7.62 ammo. and with 30 players online i cant buy them couse nobody sells them.

Oh really? Make an offer. I can sell you 40 HQ powders right away.

Mike Crosser

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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #193 on: April 07, 2013, 08:38:38 pm »

nobody sells them.
Just wait for one of Rabbitmans sale rushes.


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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #194 on: April 07, 2013, 08:53:04 pm »

Oh really? Make an offer. I can sell you 40 HQ powders right away.
i posted in buy section and nobody answered, so dont jump like that now.
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