Where did you get that from? Texas has 696,200 km2 and there's around 6,973,738,433 people on the planet. Divide one by another and you get roughly 10km2 per person. 1km2 is enough to feed an entire family.
When all popuplation of planet earth migrated to Texas? I must miss something ^^Or maybe it should be 6973738.433? I heard that some people in south of Amurica arent considered as fully human beings^^
Just keep in mind I got this from some damn show on discovery channel or something, I cannot even remember the name of. Which is why I put "apparently" in my sentence when mentioning it.
Maybe they could tow a missile around the world with a submarine then water-launch it at Washington or New York.Or EMP Japan and S. Korea, then fight with their non-electronic antique weapons.