Other > Suggestions
Car wreck encounter.
the underground:
--- Quote from: Alvarez on April 09, 2013, 10:46:19 am ---When using a brahmin on a car wreck, you are able to drive it very slowly to your tent.
Putting 100 Metal Parts, 15 HQ Electronic Parts in it like fruits in a still, apply 200 Repair on it with a Super Tool Set in active slot will give you this unique vehicle.
This way you didn't spend caps on it, only your own effort.
Bump for interest, devs opinion and mercy on my mechanic' soul from GMs thinking this was some kind of bug from previous session. :)
--- End quote ---
At one point I suggested a "flagpole" that allowed you to make a temporary site semi-permenant.... What are the chances of actually happening to have a brahmin when you find this thing? Not really good, right? So a flagpole would allow you to come back with your brahmin (or maybe slaves, ala "A boy and his dog") with some ropes and drag the thing off.
Of course, the flagpole might attatct unwanted attention as well, including other players, npc's, etc, so you'd want to move FAST and come back humping some real firepower AND armor, just in case....
Bump for interest.
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