Other > Suggestions

Car wreck encounter.

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Do you remember that funny bug with the car wreck which could be lockpicked and driven to your base before it broke down completely?

Sadly it was fixed, but i'd like to suggest to implement a chance to repair this wreck with high repair skill, some metal and electronic parts and make it a driveable vehicle with insane deteroriating rate, low speed and high fuel consumnation.
A Mechanic' Challenge.

You could also sell this scavenged vehicle at T-Ray.

Killer Rabbit:
or call assistance by radio "0"

/hhelp my car is broken, take good stuff :)

the underground:
Or scav it for a ton of parts....... decent parts, not crap.

You already can get a fuel cell controller from it and get a cockroach that way.

The flavor of this bug was actually to fix the wreck, make it ride again, not just salvage a part out of it.

The special car encounter could also have a bit more fixing with spare parts and tools, not only recovering the key. You made it really good with fixing a door with tools in a Factory special encounter.


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