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New sesion?

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--- Quote from: Killer Rabbit on March 26, 2013, 09:09:53 pm ---wipe will brind 300+ people, not shity 100

i prefer 2238 than tla or requiem but now it is crap for me, no fun no goal.

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What are 300 players worth, if they only stay for a few days and then disappear again?

wpe now, becouse FODE need some new players (40 now)

if will come wipe, so i would welcome such without months of testing bugs, but stable and then with incoming new things after each update (not corrections).

Maybe later means better.

Killer Rabbit:

--- Quote from: Lexx on March 27, 2013, 06:34:54 pm ---What are 300 players worth, if they only stay for a few days and then disappear again?

--- End quote ---

people are leaving because shity features or troll features, OR making this sesion hard ultra hard for newbiez.
crapy features :

- broken blueprints
- broken repair
- broken trading
- broken idler *but it has many defenders
- for over 1 year broken tc
- broken crafting (no one is crafting anything)

and after 1.5 year there is nothing to do and people get bored, becasue fights arent intresting when loot have same valuable as junk or fruits. pvp gangs are not playing on this serv becasue this sesion has nothing to offer. hundreds of drugs and armors and weapons. no one is doint tc for tc box because it is boring.

LEXX people are leaving this serv becaue we get bored of this sesion. i dont belive u dont have any other idea for next sesion so why dont focus on it? look at tla mk2, it had 50 players and now they have over 250. and i prefer 2238 over others rus servers but for fuck sake give us new sesion.

+bozar is special encounters
+basic bp from traders
+auction like in tla mk2
+new locations
+your ideas
*not jovB ideas, like tactic poo or removing radio dots, nor ss


--- Quote from: Killer Rabbit on March 27, 2013, 06:59:25 pm ---+your ideas

--- End quote ---
Dear God, no XD.


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