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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Merchant Guide/Build  (Read 2466 times)


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Merchant Guide/Build
« on: March 21, 2013, 11:41:56 pm »

Spice and Wolf without Wolf
Merchant Guide

Before we Start

A lot of people are saying that Trading in Fonline is badly designed. I say nope. Its very good and fun - you just need to "know how". Read my guide... And Watch Spice & Wolf its really good.

I was writing this guide for a long time and yet its still not really complete. Especially City Guide require more exploring. Writing it was Fun. For the purposes of writing this guide i even had to join enclave...this is the day i`ll remember for long time since in Navarro there was a Vertibird...

Where to Get Stuff for Trading?

#1 Player will often want to convert their stuff for Cash, talk to them and buy stuff from them for a bargain price. Thats harder though than other options

#2 Have an second Alt - for example Glow Explorer Or Bp Hunter, or VaultCity Patrols Hunter. Something along this lines. The easiest and best option.

#3 Be a part of Gang, they always have a tons of usueless junk, talk to the leader offer converting those junk for goot stuff and to caps for some commision.

Merchant Build:

You dont need more than 120-150 in Barter which means that Merchant Build is also a Crafter and a Miner. Builds shoud be as versitable as its possible. Why you dont want 300 in Barter? Just becuase it wont do anything at all beyound 150%.


S: 6 -> Important for Carry Weight
P: 5 -> Important for seeing PKs
E: 6 -> Important for running from PK`s. (If you`re at a distance and have enough hp than MAYBE you wont get one shooted by burst...MAYBE.)
C: 10  -> Quests & Bartering
I: 10 -> Quests & Skill Points.
A: 6 -> Important for Mining, Gathering and fighting. With AG 6 never play on tb.
L: 1 -> Not important at all.


Science -> For Professions and dismantling stuff, for quests 150%-200%
Repair -> For Professions and to repair car, for quests 150%-200%
Barter -> Dont go over 150%

Also you shoud devolope some shooting skill (to like 120%) and Outdoorsman (100%?). Doctor for medical profession coud be raised to 100% You dont need to max out this char to 24, its your call how much things you want him to do.


Skilled - you want to have skill points and you dont really need all those combat perks.
Bruiser - More Special, more options.


Strong Back, Pack Rat and Gain Strenght seems important, other than this its your call.

Support Perks:

Take Educated as early as possible, take the support peks that cares about science and repair too.

Exploring the Wasteland:

-> Each time you`re in unprotected city be on guard. You`re just a little trading build and they are merciless mostly russian guys with huge miniguns and even bigger urge to kill you. Since you dont know russian and they dont know your language communication with them is mostly impossible. If you meet PK from other Country than Russia try talking to them. (You will get shoot anyway.)

-> Each time you`re in protected city be on guard. You`re just a little trader and they are merciless thieves. Don`t have bartering window centered. If someone is getting close to you it means its time to go somewhere else.

-> Caps are your #1 priority, Premium Drugs are your #2 priority, Golden Nuggets are your #3 priority. You shoud also be on look out for: High Quality Fibers, Green Condoms, Flovers, Cats Paws.Offcourse if you dont have access to crafting some weapon you shoud be collecting them.

-> You will need a Buggy. Its quick, and you`ll be moving a lot on the world map.

-> You will need a network of tents as your parking spots. If you dont have them you are at risk of losssing a car. You NEED a tent around Hub and Gun Runners since a lot of pople is wondering around those cities.


Whats are Craftable High prioriority goodies?

-> For Small Guns its best to craft Assault Rifles, Combat Shotguns, Panzer Jackhammers, Sniper Rifles and that one little Machine Gun. If you dont have BP`s for that Combat Shotgun will have to be enough.
-> For Big Guns its best to sell Miniguns
-> For Energy Weapons anything besides Laser pistoll will be ok.
-> For Armors everything starting with Metal Armor shoud be good.
-> Drugs are kinda complicated.

What shoud i be collecting from resources?

Everything. But dont use it for trading, use it for crafting. HQ Electronic parts seems useless though.

I Dont have BP`s for all that stuff, how the hell i`m supposed to get them?

Exchange basic stuff for more expensive one and then exchange the expensive staff for caps.
When you got caps exchange caps for BP`s buying them from other players via forum or irc.

I`m afraid of getting killed or robbed. What shoud i do?

Wasteland is harsh. You will get killed or robbed and all you shoud do is say: "Sigh..."

I dont have car, is it really nessesary to have one?

YES. Buggy is cheap and really really usufull. If you really dont have one i can buy one for you in exchange for Cats Paws, Lighters, Flowers, and Green Condoms - i want a 100 mixed as you wish and in return i`ll buy you a Buggy. I dont like cave exploring since its boring but i do like doing quest for Monte.

City Guide:


Its unprotected place. I menaged to find only one merchant here.

1. Maida Buckler

She is buying Golden Geckos skins (4 for 200 caps its done via text, its more like repeatable quest than regular bartering.)

She will also take:
-Tier 2 Small Guns.

Overrall not really intresting place for us.


This place is really dangerous. It has merchants though. If you`re brave try it.

1. Tubby:

He is buying a lot of stuff. He often have caps. He will buy:

-Tier 1 & 2 Energy Weapons
(Yes you can sell laser pistols here.)
-Tier 2 Small Guns
-Tier 2 Big Guns.

2. Flick

He is often having premium drugs and caps. He wont take as many stuff as Tubby though, he will buy:

-Tier 1 & 2 Small Guns.
-Tier 1 & 2 Big Guns (Yes even flamers)
-Some Drugs (for example he will take Healing Powders but not weak ones.)

Its a good place to exchange basic guns for drugs.

3. Franckie.

He is having some drugs espiecially Super stimpacks. He will take:

-Meele Weapons
-Resources like Fiber
-Weak Healing Powders

He wont take regular healing powders.

4. Mama

She is having superstimpacks and stuff. She is in "nearly sure there will be PK zone" She Will take:

-Meele Weapons
-Healing Powders

Since she is in really really REALLY dangerous place avoid it. Seriously you WILL get killed if you go there.


This place is unprotected. Its quiet though. As long as TC is`nt going here its somewhat close to save. Stay on guard though.

1. Mayor Ascorti

He will buy:

-Energy Weapons Tier 1 & 2 (So you can get rid of laser pistols here)
-Small Guns Tier 2

2. Doctor

He Will buy:

-Premium Drugs like mentants.


Favorite place for Non gang PvP. Favorite place to die as a trader. You have been warned.

1. Jules

He Will Buy:
-> Weak healing powders
-> Premium drugs

He is having caps and premium drugs. Even without doctor you can exchange flowers for goodies here.

2. Bartenders at Desperados, Salvatores and Mordinoes:

-> Premium Drugs
-> Healing Powders
-> Antidotes

They`re having small amount of caps but quite many premium drugs so with doctor 1, you can exchange flowers for actually worthly drugs.

3. Renesco

-> Premium Drugs
-> Stimpacks

He is often having caps. PK`s are often visiting him.

4. Eldrige


If you somehow menage to get close to him he will buy:

-> Tier 2 Small Guns like Assault Gun.
-> Tier 2 Big Guns.

He will nearly always have caps on him.


Oh look another PvP favorite place to play. Its not as active as it used to be though. I woud say it risky but menagable.

There are some quests here and few traders.


He will buy armors. Since everyone knowes that he will buy armor he nearly always is without caps.


He will buy Tier 2 small guns, Tier 1 & 2 Energy Weapons, why woud Farmer need energy weapons? Well those Brahmins sure can be MAD right? He is sometimes carring caps.

Guy in Repair Center - Mook :

He will buy Big Guns, its one of rare places where you can sell flamers.


1. John MacRae

He is kinda useless, i never spotted him with caps. He will take tier 2 small guns.

2. Doctor

He will take premium drugs, he is sometimes having caps.

3. Trader in the building:

He is taking a lot of stuff Small Guns Tier 1 & 2, Big Guns, Energy Guns, due to that he is being cleaned out nearly all the times.

4. Amenities Office A

She will buy Tier 2 Small Guns, sometimes she have caps, sometimes good weapons. This place is worth checking up.

5. Amenities Office B

He will buy Armors starting from Metal ones.

6. Randal

He works quite the same way as doctors. He is having caps and premium drugs. He is buying premium drugs.


Ghouls are kind people that doesnt have guards. Sometimes PK`s are hunting here but its not really that dangerous. Its one of my favorite places.

1. Percy

He is having sometimes premium drugs. He will take Healing Powders.

2. Skeeter

My favorite one, he is often having premium drugs and good weapons and caps he will buy:

->Tier 1 & 2 Small Guns
->Tier 2 Energy GUns

3. Wooz

He is sometimes having caps and drugs, good place to cash in Wakizashis. He will buy:

->Meele Weapons

San Francisco:

This is protected place with a lot of merchant.

1. Red 888 Guns:

This shops is Buying only quality items. You can sell here:

-> Plasma Rifle
-> Plasma Pistol
-> Laser Rifle
-> Sniper Rifle
-> Pancor Jackhammer
-> H&K P90c
-> Micro Fusion Cell

Those items are hard to obtain without BPs. If you spot caps in this shop your best way to obtain them is to either sell Plasma Pistols or Micro Fusions Cells. Both you can get at Skeeter in Gecko for Tier 1 weapons.

2. Western Star:

This shop is a copy of the Red 888 Guns. all that applies to that one applies here too.

3. Dr. Fung:

He is often having a lot of caps. He will buy:

->Super Stimpak

Those are premium drugs. Getting them isn`t that easy without profession & Bps but it can be bought from either Skeeter in Gecko, Meele Merchant in Broken Hills or in Gordon Gas Station.

4. Jenna

She is often having small amounts of premium drugs. Sometimes caps. She will buy:

-> Tier 2 Small Guns (like Assault Rifle and Combat Shotgun)
-> Tier 1 drugs (Antidote, Healing Powders)

5. Armor Trader

He is rarely having caps, he will buy:

-> Better Armors (Starting from Metal Armor)
-> Big Guns (Not a Flamer though, Miniguns and such.)

6. Slim the Bartender

He is sometimes having some premium drugs. Never spotted him with caps though.

-> You can trade yours High Quality Electronic Parts here.
-> He will buy Tier 2 Small Guns
-> He will also buy meele weapons.


There is only one shop here. its a protected place.

The Purple robed merchant will take:

-> Stimpacks & Super Stimpacks
-> Plasma Pistols
-> Laser & Plasma Rifles



He will buy Meele. A good place for selling Wakizashis and Supersledges. He often have caps and premium drugs.

Doc Holliday

He often have caps and premium drugs. He will buy other premium drugs. Its a good practice to exchange meele to drugs at Jacob`s then Drugs to caps here.


She will Take Big Guns Tier 1 & 2, Armors starting from Metal Armor, Small Guns Tier 2. You can sell Flamers here. Sometimes she generates Combat Armors 100%/100% sometimes caps. Good one.


He will take Resourcers and premium drugs. He have stimpacs caps and premiem drugs.


He will take Big Guns Tier 1 & 2(Yes, even flamers.), Small Guns Tier 2, Energy Weapons Tier 2, he will also take Small Energy Cells. He often have caps and some good weapons.


I strongly suggest to go trade somewhere else. This place is filled with thieves, trolls, bombers and other Fonline scums.

Only the doctor is usually worth checking since he often have caps.


He will take only quality item like Small Guns Tier 2 and Big Guns Tier 2. He doesnt have anything usefull most of the time.


He will take Small Guns Tier 1 & 2 and Good Armors starting from Metal ones. He sometimes have cash on him.


She will take Meele, Smal Guns Tier 1 & 2, Stimpacks and Resources. This is a good place to search for items for Monte since new players usually sell here, so they may left their cave trophies here too.


Its a copy of Mira`s shop.

Dr. Jubilee

He is often having caps. He will take premium drugs as a payment. Most of time thieves dont follow you here since they dont know about this shop.


Guns Shop:

As missleading as it is this shop will buy:

Energy Weapons Tier 1 & 2
Healing Powders

General Store:

Perhaps deves are trolling us but this is the the Gun`s shop owner will take:

-> Small Guns Tier 1 & 2
-> Some premium drugs like psycho

There are often caps here, brahmin skins and premium drugs. I like this shop.


He will take Armors and Big Guns. Since everyone know that he will takes such stuff this place is often without caps


Its nice and quiet town. Its not really great places for trading since caps are often cleared from shopkeeper but this place is secure and i woud say its the safest town in whole game.

Jeremiah Darkwater

He will take a lot of stuff Small Guns Tier 1 & 2, Big Guns Tier 1 & 2, Meele and drugs. He sometimes have caps and premium drugs.



He will take ANY armor you can get even the leather jackets, he will also buy Small Gun Tier 2. Unfortunely he is sometimes having caps

Gun Runners

They will take any good armor starting with Metal Armor, any good energy weapon, big gun or small gun. They will also take Micro Energy Cells.

They often have combat armors and good weapons. One of the better shops in the game.


He will take meele, weak healing powders and Small GUns Tier 2. He sometimes have some drugs and caps.


Gordon will take meele. Its a good place to exchange meele weapons for drugs.


This place is hard to get to. Its unprotected but its not like you ever meet here any other player right?


He will take Premium drugs. He often have caps and premium drugs


He have a lot of weapons, sometimes caps he will buy any armors and Resources.

A Daily live of the Spice

Fonline can be fun. Its huge game with many difrents things to do. Here is an examplary route:

1. Fill up and repair your buggy
(The fastest and cheapest car so its perfect for our purposes)

2. Travel Checklist:
-> Some Spare fuel and tools just in case.
-> A Fruit
-> 10x Water Bags
-> Some Tier 2 Small Guns
-> Some Premium Drugs
-> Some Big Gun & Energy Gun
-> 4x Golden Gecko Skins.
-> Things for Monte
-> Shovel
-> A Vaultcity DayPass

3. Head up to Gun Runners. Take a delivery quest. Check up the Shopkeeper, maybe he has caps.

4. Deliver Case to San Francisco. Check merchants whether they have caps. Take Ants Lair Quest. (At this point you`ll get minimum 200 caps from your run)

5. Go Back to Gun Runners. Take the pay (Another 250 Caps.)

6. Head up to Audytum. Deliver things for Monte and check whats else he needs. Go Kill some dogs. (some Caps from Monte)

7. Go to Klamath. Give Maida 4x Golden Gecko Skins for 200 Caps. Get Hootch Negotiations quest from Whisky Guy. Check Shopkeepers. Grab Fibers with the Knife.

8. Check Frank for Quest then check Shopkeepers. Then if area is peacefull enough try some digging.

9. Go Back to Klamath for your reward. Head to Madoc.

10. Take a Negotiations Quest for Balthas, Take a meat delivery quest. Check Merchants. Grab Fibers & Barleys.

11. Go to VaultCity. Talk to Brahmin Trader for Madoc then Check Merchants.

11a. Hey Gecko is close isn`t it? Better check if for Merchants.

12. Go report to Madoc. Go to Hub. In the meantime you might want to go to New Reno check Merchants and take the Contact Quest since its repeatable.

13. Check Merchants in Hub, Deliver meat. Give Fruit to the little Kid, Give water to the farmers, Carry the Boxes. A true merchants like you doesnt shovel shit though. Have some dignity.

14. Go Back to your main tent and call it a day OR

15. Go to NRC, Try to buy some stuff for Monte like Green Condoms and Flovers from Other players, do Brahmin Herds quest, Check Merchants and kill some thieves while checking merchants.
Scamers: Grimmi
Beware of trading with this person.


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Re: Merchant Guide/Build
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2013, 11:46:36 pm »

Hmmm, publicly displaying some of my secrets... Unfortunately, bartering is one of the few things I only talk about in Private chat, because now, some of the more unknown merchants will not have caps regularly and the unguarded ones are more likely to be camped by sneakers.

Good job otherwise though, good info for starting salesmen.   
Re: Merchant Guide/Build
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2013, 11:58:15 pm »

Great guide. well done!



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Re: Merchant Guide/Build
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2013, 01:40:21 am »

Well,it's awesome dude, very detail guide,hope it will help some new players to getting start.


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