Other > Auctions

BPs, Drugs and Weapons sellout

<< < (2/5) > >>

Screw you too :l Just so you know, never scammed anyone on the forums.

List has been updated ! Rules slightly changed (read the red part)

I value LT Dan's offer at around 170k caps. So it'll still take another 75k+ caps individually to overbid Lt. Dan, since I value gauss pistols over caps, and it's easier for me to trade with one then multiple people.
If the total sum of the individual items reaches over 180k, I will consider that an overbid.

Excuse me for this complex method...

For the trust issue, I trust everyone, even alleged "scammers" and "blacklisted traders" (tied to post-auction trade conditions, ofc). Unless I personally know and despise you (which is, against common believe, a quite rare occurrence).

Off topic -----------------------------------
@ reese, since you bother to take it on a personal level, the reasons why I didn't accept your bid is that I don't like hyperactive kids feeling cool on the interwebs. If it were just this, it'd be alright, but I remember a certain thread where you voted to "ban" me, and I don't take kind to people who one time join a mob to cyberexecute me and then have the insolence to turn to me when they need something. No thanks, that's a gutless manner I don't like. Here you go, you got your answer. I kindly ask you to stay out of my thread and send me some flowers via PM. My auction, my rules.

Tired of waiting.My offer is no longer valid, good luck vile.

*My apologizes vile, I have no concrete proof of my previous comments, other than personal experience, so possible slander removed*


--- Quote from: Vile on March 20, 2013, 09:43:30 pm ---

Off topic -----------------------------------
@ reese, since you bother to take it on a personal level, the reasons why I didn't accept your bid is that I don't like hyperactive kids feeling cool on the interwebs. If it were just this, it'd be alright, but I remember a certain thread where you voted to "ban" me, and I don't take kind to people who one time join a mob to cyberexecute me and then have the insolence to turn to me when they need something. No thanks, that's a gutless manner I don't like. Here you go, you got your answer. I kindly ask you to stay out of my thread and send me some flowers via PM. My auction, my rules.

--- End quote ---
Come have a talk on skype with me, if you're such a man ;) (wreesewatson)

Also, taking about insolence, this is a trade, not some useless begging. Get real.


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