Other > Auctions

BPs, Drugs and Weapons sellout

(1/5) > >>

the ones who've bidden, write me a PM !

Update : The total sum has been lifted, since I got good overall bids already.
Added some bids, I will update every evening, please note this auction will take time, do only bid if you intend on buying.

Bids on whole auction :
2 Gauss by reese (Offer declined, due to questionable status and personal reasons)
3 Gauss +20k caps by Lt. Dan (Offer pending, due to relatively new account)

Please note : I removed "buyout", since it makes bidding useless and wasn't intended per se, sorry. Instead it's now bidding on the whole list. Bidding on the whole auction has higher priority.
Individual bids will STILL be considered.
Still LT. Dan is leading and high in priority list

Hello. I want to sell the following crap

1x Plastics                           Bid : 50k

1x Metal Armor Mask MKII      Bid : 20k
1x Tesla Armor
1x Plasma grenade                Bid : 20k

1x Minigun
1x Rawwkit Lawnchair
2x Plasmapistol
1x Laser rifle

1x SPC
1x Ripper

1x Assault Rifle
1x H&K Caws
1x Pancor Jackhammer

6x FN fails
5x Light support weapon, LSW      Bid :1x5k,

2x Stimpack
1x Super sledge

19x P90  100%
2x Gatling laser >95%             Bid : 2k

150x Super Stimpak
10x Psycho
15x Buffout
50x Nuka Cola
150x Cigs

The petty remains of many raped noobs and deflorated bases ...
... uhh anyway send me your PM with offers, I will evaluate them and make a list of the highest bids.
Common BPs, like LSWs ones and useless BP's like Stimpack/Super sledge BP can be bought right away for a cheap price.

Accepted currencies are (In priority):
Gauss pistols, caps, advanced gunpowder, assault rifles, greasers (no jokes), super stims, psycho.

Total minimum Bid for everything : 4 Gauss pistols or 200k caps (IDC about ammo)

Idiotic offers won't be considered. Friends' and Factions' bids are of higher priority.
I preserve the right to cancel the auction at any time or taking single items out of the list, if things are not going by my interest.

Anyway, good luck and don't hesistate bidding (PM!), most of that crap will go for cheap.

Sent PM

i will buy the metal mask mk2, plastic explosive BP for 20,000 caps for both

i will give you 3 guass pistols and 10,000 caps for everything, i will be on the forums for 10 more hours

Please use pm!

@ Lt Dan, noted.
@ reese, I will consider it


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