15.08.2009 - 23.06.2013
"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: The Good the bad and the ugly  (Read 3134 times)

The Good the bad and the ugly
« on: March 16, 2013, 01:56:20 am »

I am just curious about what people like the most about the game and then what they like the least
For example

I like Player killing, Shitting in another person mouth, tent raping, base raping and hearing people whine about it cause im sick in the head like that

I like least, having good loot, crippled legs and death claws chasing me in realtime. having my own base raped. and most of all LAG

Feel free to express your thoughts or rant and talk shit.
Re: The Good the bad and the ugly
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2013, 03:20:34 am »

I like killing players, raping bases, raping tents, trolling, roleplaying, helping players, helping players troll, planting items in peoples inventorys, planting active dynamite in peoples inventorys, planting active dynamite on someone in the middle of a crowed, stealing, theiving, sneaking, silent-deathing stuff, trolling, sneaking and planting bombs on people, roleplaying someone else, shooting unprotected GMs, shooting unprotected theives, crippling, brahmin, brahmin with active dynamite on them, brahmin with active dynamite on them in the middle of a crowed, having a brahmin skin with dynamite in the middle of a crowed, hunting, trolling, making builds, making alts, leaving useless crap in bases im added to, making large lists like this one, shooting groins, lasers, plasma, melting geckos with plasma, hoarding, hoarding rare stuff, grenades, plasma grenades, melting players with plasma,
trolling, more hoarding, shooting evil PKs, shooting nice PKs, killing evil APKs, Super sledgehammers, Hitting unprotected theives with Super Sledgehammers making them fly 15 hexes, Making people fly with shotguns, lasers, dynamite, trolling, crafting, BB guns, planting grenades onto other peoples mercs, skins, idling, doctors, stealing a bomber's dynamite, surviving a dynamite placed on me, disarming a dynamite placed on me, a bomber trying to bomb me only to realise my inventory is full, planting a bomb on a bomber, having a bomb placed on you and it explodes killing an npc but the npc now hates the bomber, stealing car keys, stealing cars left in town, helping newbs, trolling, hoarding, purple robes, purple robe carpets, searching caves, collecting condoms, craftable containers, nice things, finding purple robes in caves, making stupid builds, dynamite, sneaking, killing abusers, using abusers own abuses against them, trolling, searching towns for loot, searching unguarded towns for loot, looting, crippling the hands of a pk stealing their weapon then run off, listening to random radio channels and NCR.

I dislike buying detonator parts, the CH requirement for purple robes, levelling, failing to lockpick my car, bugs, putting my key in the car trunk, players whom say "?", nasty PKs killing me while collecting broc flowers, less than 5 intelligence, critical failures, bursts in guarded towns that miss and hit you instead, lockpickers that rush the locker stepping on a mine killing us both, locked containers inside town that end up having nothing in them, going to mariposa, evil PKs at mariposa, evil predators that ignore my sneaking ability, people on hunts who constantly burst you by accident, friendly players who scare the crap out of you because they are in your encounter and you cannot see them, lag, death by rats due to lag, death by rats without lag, death by rats because your only weapon is a grenade, death by rats because it went on a landmine killing you, death by a friendly player because he accidently tagged you red, getting hit by a train, a single angry NPC in town you accidently killed and now comes to haunt you, Sha Enin's departure, people who kills a trader and has them follow them around town, beggers, a pr0 player pretending to be a newbie, people who block doorways, people who block YOU in the doorway, people who stand in doorways but on a scriptless hex, people whom block doorways so their friend can snipe you inside a town, people who have their friend block a doorway so they can snipe you, critical miss and weapon destroyed on a brand new weapon, stealing from BoS/Enclave, wasting dynamite on BoS/Enclave, people who wont accept gifts, misclicks, people who use auto-run and auto-aim because im too lazy to use them, getting knocked out from a crit to the groin - Ouch!, getting killed in an unguarded town after getting paid caps, being spawned right next to an NPC in an encounter, being spawned right next to a patrol in an encounter and your vilified, walking into inner NCR with a weapon out, walk into NCR and go to arm your weapon only to realise its already been stolen, critically failing against a theif drop your weapon and it gets stolen, bursting a theif and hitting an innocent, shoot at a theif miss then hit an innocent killing him (Not that the guards care), going to first aid yourself and someone beats you to it, going to first aid yourself and someone beats you to it failing and making you weak, quickly looting someone in town only to find out they had an active dynamite and you now explode into little bits along with the people next to you and since your the one with the 8 min relication people blame you for it, having negative hp in NCR and everyone tries to kill you, people who sing in NCR and arnt very good at it, being surrounded with no ammo and the NPCs are doing no damage to you, 8 hp dogs and when a PK kills your alt and you later find out its a friend of yours.

Im sure theres more.
Everything must change.
Re: The Good the bad and the ugly
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2013, 03:40:22 am »

I like trying new build, hunting with low cost high gain, avoiding player in encounter, building bases, leaving PKers unconscious after killing all mobs
I dislike server lag/down, stealing SS and ammo, dual logging, silent PKers, false AntiPKers, campers, overusing drugs, pig rat,  annoying freeze NPC in TB
Re: The Good the bad and the ugly
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2013, 05:56:06 am »

Im sure theres more.

I can only imagine, you have quite a speech there


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Re: The Good the bad and the ugly
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2013, 09:09:42 am »

I like trains

Mike Crosser

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Re: The Good the bad and the ugly
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2013, 11:23:19 am »

I like tutrles


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Re: The Good the bad and the ugly
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2013, 11:26:03 am »

I like rapetrains.
 I didn't mention Guardians just because they represent no real force in my opinion.
Re: The Good the bad and the ugly
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2013, 02:00:02 pm »

i like getting banned
Re: The Good the bad and the ugly
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2013, 12:53:53 am »

I like peace ... es.
I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.


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Re: The Good the bad and the ugly
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2013, 01:27:18 am »

I like it when I make a sarcastic remark and get a warning but then I check the topic 10 min later and there another sarcastic remark and that guy gets nothing.
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: The Good the bad and the ugly
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2013, 06:46:45 am »

I like not getting warnings for my sarcastic remarks. I liked lone glow trips when i was playing.


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Re: The Good the bad and the ugly
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2013, 09:08:37 am »

I like dead kittens.
[My signature was too big, like Jescri's dick]
Re: The Good the bad and the ugly
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2013, 06:10:34 pm »

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
irc V_guessWho
Re: The Good the bad and the ugly
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2013, 10:44:55 am »

I like to sit behind my barrel and watch the NCR burn.
We’ve died a million times but we are not the walking dead


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Re: The Good the bad and the ugly
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2013, 05:13:41 pm »

I like look on noobs in enconters when they close combat start looting when they r so happy they survive & have alot of s...piiiiii... & then bam sneaki hexi burst in back i love when they regequit
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