Other > Closed suggestions

Remove Hinkley.

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We could improve both T888 suggestions by removing idling timer in hinkley.

So, players should be able to play Hinkley instantly upon entering the game and the rest of the players who don't play it can GTFO?

What's the point of TC and all features outside of Hinkley if you can just fight at Hinkley, risk nothing and have the same fun? It's like a different server inside 2238.


--- Quote from: Senocular on March 08, 2013, 01:59:10 pm ---What's the point of TC and all features outside of Hinkley if you can just fight at Hinkley, risk nothing and have the same fun?

--- End quote ---

Have you ever played TC and Hinkley? It's totally different fun.


t-888's motto: "if i don't like it, remove it. fuck the rest"

a big NO to this crap suggestion.


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