Other > Suggestions
Primitive -> Rudimentary/Improvised
--- Quote from: T-888 on February 26, 2013, 09:03:37 pm ---Shut up, Jovanka has decided, now comply! ;D
--- End quote ---
Please keep arguing about this issue if it's your will.
I would never try to stop you.
--- Quote ---Not a big surprise for me, that this suggestion will get implemented, though.
--- End quote ---
It will? Thanks, I didn't know.
I must have pissed off someone to have my name not included in quote.
Because i would rather not sabotage the efforts of a adequate forum member, by my modest expectation of success and just because i might be a persona non grata in developer staff.
Pardon me for this, Eternauta. Next time i will bash on your ideas with all my might, so the devs implement it just to piss me off.
I typed quote tags by hand, apologies for not including your name. Bashing the idea
wouldn't change anything, I have decided already in the most arrogant way that the
name will be reconsidered after new graphics for this object is done.
what are you gonna suggest next? condoms replaced by "latex balloon thingies"? sharpened pole replaced by "pointy stick"? or maybe stimpaks replaced by "miracle needles"?
--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 26, 2013, 10:29:41 pm ---Please keep arguing about this issue if it's your will.
I would never try to stop you.
--- End quote ---
I won't bother to argue not anymore, especially not after that you have sank into it. Like it would matter if I did? Tell me does anyone's output really matters on most of subjects discussed?
The only value you can compromise with is your own personal appeal. Players can drop rock solid arguments that you will just simply not care about (not talking about any subject discussed or started by me), you have proven it multiple times and you will furthermore.
--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 26, 2013, 10:29:41 pm ---It will? Thanks, I didn't know.
--- End quote ---
Tell me it will not, can you? Hmm?
Tell me you didn't already decide on it?
--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 26, 2013, 11:38:03 pm ---I have decided already in the most arrogant way that the
name will be reconsidered after new graphics for this object is done.
--- End quote ---
So wait, new graphics means that it will not be a "primitive tool" anymore? ;D
Nevermind. I don't want to hear the dark horrors of your mind anyway.
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