Other > Suggestions
Primitive -> Rudimentary/Improvised
So I've had this in my mind since I started playing 2238, and now that with the recent tent rework you can even add a "primitive workbench" to your tent, I guess I can just post about it.
Why not change the word primitive and use rudimentary or improvised instead? Of course I understand the intention is to use primitive with the meaning of rudimentary, but the word primitive has also some other different meanings, leftovers of the 19th century ideology of European superiority over basically all, every and any culture that was not European.
My exact point is: the word primitive does not just mean "rudimentary", it usually has a negative value as well. The word primitive, used to describe an improvised tool you make with flint, even sounds weird for me in the context of the Fallout world, where many people tend to discriminate tribals, seeing them exactly as "primitive" (with a meaning close to what I mentioned in the paragraph above). In the Fallout world, a guy who survives in the wastes and does not come from one of the tribal societies, would probably not call his improvised tool "primitive", because "primitive" is what tribals are, but not him, or the tool he just made.
If you don't understand what I mean when I talk about discrimination against tribals, just start Fallout 2 and travel to Klamath, try talking to Aldo the Greeter and don't give him any tip, talk to the older Buckner and read what she says about civilized folk and stuff like that. You can also recruit Cassidy and ask him what weapons he can use, and pay attention to what he says when talking about spears. The game has some other examples, but these are the ones I remember at the moment.
I hope I've explained the idea clearly enough.
you dont have enough PC bullshit IRL you need to PC this game to? What else are you offeneded by? I don't even know whether to take this thread seriously or if its just obvious flamebait?
Perhaps if historically people were called "rudimentary", that word would have taken on the same connotation? Perhaps...... maybe..... just think about it...... let it sink in for a minute....... light bulb yet?
Woah, woah, woah. From what I'm to understand, Etern is not saying it personally offends him in any way, he is just suggesting that any character that doesn't have an Intelligence of one would not associate himself in any way with "Primitive" society, by calling his tools as such. I for one, give this a +1.
The only person who is inciting flame with this reasonable suggestion is you, Kaboom.
Of all the things that should be addressed in game development this seems rather nit picky considering the world in which this game takes place. It is a post apocalyptic game. There will be discrimination in such a world. And any character with any intelligence would consider such a tool to be primitive as they would be familiar with more advanced technology.
We hadnt any problems with Primitive Tool, either.
Apart from this, makeshift things tend to be primitive, so there is no offence in the description, IMHO.
We call it Primitive Workbench, not Bench Made By Primitives, too.
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