Other > Suggestions

Character starting gear

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Mike Crosser:
Shameless self bump.

Imo lets change granages on molotovs
Guns and ammo nah better be mats to craft that its aditional xp
Caps that to much
To get armors alweys cane be done deliver cigs quest in ncr but need to be posibily to 1ch alts.  In end of it newbe cane chose robe or lather.

the underground:
This really is a good idea. Then you might have light armor, a gun, and ammo to start off sith, rather than unity flowers or some other crap (the only GOOD thing to come of my first pc encounter was loosing those damned flowers).

How about instead of caps, you'll give him a water for the weapons of your choice.
Here's an example dialogue:

"[You got out of the cave and see a man lying in front of you, he looks weak.]"

* Talk to the man.
* Ignore and keep walking [walk away]
"Ugh.... I'm too thirsty, do you happen to have some water?.."

* I have some, here.
* I have some, but I need this for myself. [Leave]
"[The man drinks all of the water] Thank you, you saved my life. Looks like you're a traveler."

* Yes, I was just sheltering here because of the storm last night.
* I don't have time for this. [Leave]
"[He looks at you carefully] The wastes is dangerous ya know. Well, since you helped me, I gotta return the favor.
You see, I have here some weapons., I can't give it to you all, but you can choose one, I could give you this leather jacket also, for free. Now which one is it?"

* 10mm Pistol
* Hunting Rifle
* Laser Pistol
* Flamer

Well, just a suggestion.  ;D

Imo opinion, this is highly unnecessary. All of these things are easy to craft at start, and the resources are easy to mine. It also gives you an idea through trial and error, how to make these things.


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