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After Reset - classic post-apocalyptic role-playing game

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Mr Feltzer:

--- Quote from: Gimper on May 09, 2013, 04:26:52 am ---It does indeed look nice. But from what I remember, the Unity engine doesn't have much content to offer.

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Unity is a fantastic engine.
( Personal experience )

I am somewhat skeptic of this... I couldn't find a single mention of actual gameplay, and really, writing a deep story and describing an immersive world is all great, but I might as well just buy a book. When you can, it would be nice to see a vertical slice or something of that sort.

In either way, good luck.

Even heard about Planascape Torment?

Story>>>All other game elements.
If the story is good then the game will be good too.


--- Quote from: xsarq on May 09, 2013, 06:35:56 pm ---Even heard about Planascape Torment?

Story>>>All other game elements.
If the story is good then the game will be good too.

--- End quote ---
Planescape's story and character design pretty much carried the game. If the writing was average, I'd say the whole game is possibly even below average, as the rest of the game was nothing particularly impressive. It might be a preference, but I like my games with more than text. Besides, Planescape was released in 1999. It's 2013 now. If the story is on-par with Planescape's and the rest of the game also suffers from the same problems, I do have to ask - What have the game developers learned from the past 14 years? Times change and I am expecting progress in the industry, not stagnation. Sure, PS:T can be discussed for quite some time and arguments can be made. I will say, that yes, the post you are reading is not 100% objective.
Quick edit: now as I read through it may seem like I'm a hater on PS:T. Not the case, I liked the game. I just should learn to write sentences that make sense.

We have done programming camera for old-school rpg top-down view. There are screenshots below as demonstration.

Please, keep in mind that this is not level from the game setting, and the level of graphics in final build will be no worse than that.



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