Other > Closed suggestions
Tommy Gun and Grease Gun
Mars Sultan:
The .45 family of weapons don't get nearly enough use (mostly because they're bad), but given that their ammo is the easiest to craft, I'd imagine them more suited for a spray-and-pray style. So:
Make the Grease Gun cost 4 AP to fire (as it is an SMG) to justify its short range.
Reduce the 6 ST requirement for the Tommy Gun to 5 ST.
That is all.
I'd also suggest that you remove the Guns and Bullets requirement for crafting the mauser.
Mars Sultan:
Bump? Thoughts? It seems like this suggestion is a good one as it is being ignored in favor of more controversial ones.
Basically all guns should be looked into so that they are useful in their specific area. Fixing just 2 guns won't make much difference, because we should look into fixing all smgs.
I think it's just worth going through every gun and piece of armour to figure out what players do and don't use, and start tweaking accordingly.
There are plenty of armour and guns I haven't used since the wipe.
And can we finally make leather jackets dirt cheap in stores? They're absolute basic protection, is it really going to ruin the game to knock them down to 50 caps.
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