Other > Suggestions

New Support Perk: Wholesaler (Barter)

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This simple perk would allow a player to sell any item of value to any merchant. This would alleviate the frustration of finding a merchant with caps left, but no corresponding items to sell.

This could be s support perk requiring 50 or 100 barter skill to obtain.

or just bring back normal barter to vendors, it was stupid to get rid of it in the first place.  So what if players accumulate caps?

Boon Lived:
In other words, there isn't enough traders to spam 5mm and MFC with. The Barter system isn't finished and this perk would just make it just like last session, defeating the purpose.

I don't think we want our gun shops filled with healing powders and apples  ::)


--- Quote from: Boon Lived on February 23, 2013, 12:12:03 am ---I don't think we want our gun shops filled with healing powders and apples  ::)

--- End quote ---

Agreed and 2nded

Was it really that bad?
I only very recently started playing, and this has been a major irritant for me.

Perhaps make it so the perk, while allowing you to sell to any merchant, would reduce the value of items sold to merchants that don't normally buy them?

The combination of unpredictable death and losing everything on you combined with being completely starved for caps makes this game very frustrating at times for new players like me.

It just feels out of place, to me, to have CURRENCY be a rare commodity. Its quite the paradox, actually.

Personally I'd make the amount of caps obtainable unlimited, but add more moneysinks to the game to counteract inflation. But, that belongs in another thread.


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