Other > Suggestions

New Support Perk: Wholesaler (Barter)

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Yes, it was, because there are a lot of items out there, that are good just for selling and very few to have some value. So everyone tried to turn their garbage into money.
In the end, you did see only shitty stuff at traders and no caps whatsoever - one guy with junk exchanged it all.

Currently, barter is not in good shape, but as long someone does not point out better system, theres no need for new perks.

I think the system is good as is, with selective merchants it encourages everyone to science leather jackets / low-tier guns and therefore fuel a raw material economy. Take those 9mm Mausers apart and use the materials to make spears, it keeps things nice and tidy.


--- Quote from: Boon Lived on February 23, 2013, 12:12:03 am ---In other words, there isn't enough traders to spam 5mm and MFC with. The Barter system isn't finished and this perk would just make it just like last session, defeating the purpose.

I don't think we want our gun shops filled with healing powders and apples  ::)

--- End quote ---


Dumb dumb:
Every merchant should have  a static inventory and a faked "demand vs available" script:
For example, a merchant would have a max capacity of 1000 apples, he won't buy more until someone buys his apples.
Lets imagine apples are the jewels of the wasteland, and every player would buy them on sight: if his apple stock is sold entirely in a given time (from him buying the apples to him selling them), his max capacity would increase; and the reverse would also apply: if he can not sell his apples, he will lose interest in them, so he will buy less and less, his static inventory will show that he has 1000 apples, but in fact, for example, he won't buy apples until his stock are under 10 apples.

With this it could also be interesting to add a variable price: the higher the demand the higher the price gets.
first step to introduce a real economic system. At the end it would require a more complex town per town, merchant per merchant, item per item algorithm which would make all the prices to fluctuate.


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