Other > Events
Dayumn' Nature, You Scary!
--- Quote from: racoon on February 21, 2013, 04:49:50 pm ---i've heard you runned like a chicken to the exit grid after pk's started killing. no offense.
--- End quote ---
Yeah.. the pks didnt WANDER into the encounter... if a random person WANDERED in and started shooting up the place, I'd defend.... but the people I WAS LEADING were the ones who turned the guns on the team, I had no interest in defending anyone in the first 20 seconds of an 'event'.
Like I give a flying FUCK about "honor"?
Think I give a shit?
I do this so other people can have something out of the ordinary to do... if some douchebag wants to ruin it... fine, but I'm not going to waste my own gear that I craft/farm myself just to get killed by apes.
Actually that mayo guy might have something to do with racoon or his brother,
when I was in NCR and I said something about racoon's alt that got punished
he was defending him. Wouldn't be surprised if it was them, considering how
amused he is now "i've heard you runned like a chicken".
Best do such events for people who you are sure are trustable.
Makes sense. Less shits given. Thanks.
i am not that kind of scammer. also why are you so offensive? man calm down. you announced on forum something that was organized spontanously and is boring already and not fun anymore. you woke up like month too late. maybe you shouldnt take sneakers there and check people identity at least via irc or something. and stop bitching now at everyone because you act like a queen or something. double faced "helper" with no honor. pathetic
Racoon: well maybe u re not, but your brother (as u said) Grizzan is pain in ass.. How old is he- 11? can u just speak to him? i mean i play with my bro also, sometimes we pk little bit. but ruining somebodys event is waste of time and effort. I can imagine this would also make me mad. events are usually ruined by the people, that are bitching about how the game sux instead of doin somethin real. Lostsoul please dont loose patient with these fools, i would like to see fonline alive full of player-events. cause pvp is not a goal for me personaly 8)
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