Other > Events

Dayumn' Nature, You Scary!

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--- Quote from: LostSoul on February 21, 2013, 07:15:12 am ---Doctors are welcome of course since the entire event is Real Time.
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I would love to assist with my doctor HH character, but I'm hardly in game to catch you.
Maybe make passworded IRC channel for people known to not backstab/blast players around?

actualy brujah is creator of caravan runs all over wasteland, which never failed due participants become PKs but only becouse the goal of run is rly hard. SO if i would like to organize any event, i would ask him.Also asking few other trustable players (or GMs) to participate and prevent such violence is good idea as well.


--- Quote from: greenthumb on February 21, 2013, 01:14:35 pm ---actualy brujah is creator of caravan runs all over wasteland, which never failed due participants become PKs but only becouse the goal of run is rly hard. SO if i would like to organize any event, i would ask him.Also asking few other trustable players (or GMs) to participate and prevent such violence is good idea as well.

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It's not a role of GMs to prevent any violence in random encounters.

if you would be asked to prevent abusing event goal, and you accepted. Then it is.


--- Quote from: LostSoul on February 20, 2013, 04:39:50 am ----Work as a team, die as a team.

--- End quote ---

i've heard you runned like a chicken to the exit grid after pk's started killing. no offense.


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