Other > Suggestions

Super Stimpak Injection Simulator

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Davrot said about cd on stims.i find it very interesting .i dont know if it has to be 10 secs.mb 5 secs will be enouph.what do u say?

What about a combination of the cooldown/debuff to heal idea with a cumulative damage hit, instead of 5-9 hp, if you took 4 SS's you get hit for 50hp after a bit.  *or some other reasonably high number*


--- Quote from: Trokanis on February 19, 2013, 11:50:34 am ---What about a combination of the cooldown/debuff to heal idea with a cumulative damage hit, instead of 5-9 hp, if you took 4 SS's you get hit for 50hp after a bit.  *or some other reasonably high number*

--- End quote ---
Yes those 4-6HP damages are laughable. It should be 10% HP loss after a while.

A concerned wastelander:
Superstims using as much action points as first-aid sounds good.

I don't like this very much either, but SS spamming in a way does make fights longer by rendering characters more durable.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 01:09:11 pm ---It makes some silly situations when 3 people keep shooting and can't kill a player from range
because the person is spamming SS.

--- End quote ---

I don't ever remember such problem without SS bind, maybe just disallow it.


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