Other > Suggestions

Super Stimpak Injection Simulator

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I don't like the SS spamming either.

I think it promotes BGs and gatlings, because they can kill with one hit the most easily.
Damage from anything else will be just nullified by injecting SS.

It makes some silly situations when 3 people keep shooting and can't kill a player from range
because the person is spamming SS.

I think SS could be even more powerful (like - heal all HP) but harder to get and come with bigger
penalty because -3 -6hp is quite laughable considering in Fallout you healed much slower and
characters usually weren't such apes. Maybe they could be better when used by doctors and
not so good in the hands of 3 INT apes.

Superstims could either drop your AP or damage resistance briefly after taking it, forcing the stimspammer to seek cover.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 01:09:11 pm ---I think it promotes BGs and gatlings, because they can kill with one hit the most easily.
Damage from anything else will be just nullified by injecting SS.
--- End quote ---

But superstimpaks are also a counter against high ap high damage spike shots because they can heal faster than gatling or avenger deals damage from range. If there were no superstimaks, those high damage shots would be even better.

--- Quote ---It makes some silly situations when 3 people keep shooting and can't kill a player from range
because the person is spamming SS.
--- End quote ---

He will definitely die in the end unless he manages to escape. It's just high HP builds have bigger advantage here.

How about a SS healing debuff like several other MMO's handle mass healings? Instead of dealing damage after some time,  each consecutive SS could heal 10% less hp for 30 seconds, stacking on itself, each use resetting the timer. Or let's say 20% if you stick to jovankas full hp suggestion.
That damage is a rather annoying and stupid remnant from F1/2 then a true drawback, It can kill you in respawn tent easily.
Didn't think quite much further yet so there must be surely some flaws, It's not an easy matter.



--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 01:09:11 pm ---I don't like the SS spamming either.

I think it promotes BGs and gatlings, because they can kill with one hit the most easily.
Damage from anything else will be just nullified by injecting SS.

It makes some silly situations when 3 people keep shooting and can't kill a player from range
because the person is spamming SS.

I think SS could be even more powerful (like - heal all HP) but harder to get and come with bigger
penalty because -3 -6hp is quite laughable considering in Fallout you healed much slower and
characters usually weren't such apes. Maybe they could be better when used by doctors and
not so good in the hands of 3 INT apes.

--- End quote ---

Just a personal story from last week:
Me and my friend Aoife where out and about doing what we love doing best, farming in TB, for whatever reason entered another encounter of press gang vs somthing else and was ofc doing fine.  I notice some player entered started shooting with my laser spammer that is just about out of mfc and used radio communication to glean the updated position from my teammate (thats how we rock it, with radios) to learn from my partner that the player had been killed.  city ruins are sometimes quite concealing.....  too concealing ^^  Turns out there is another fellow named "riot trigger" inside our encounter, I send a salvo blast of 6 shots on his 186hp torso rendering him down to 7hp, feeling pretty relieved.  Ammo is critically low maybe dozen rounds left on me, Im on the top half of the screen, aoife on the bottom.  by radio im informed hes back up to full hp but shes on him!  I'm now at the point of just trying to provide positional data and trying to help in what ever way i can.  I find him in my fov, zap zap oh dear no ap to walk out, but did damage him pretty good.  Now for the retribution!  Pop pop burst .223 pistol followed by smg fire, a p90!, Jacks Juiced up!  What drugs is he on, who knows, probably all of em!  Oh my torso..., only 3 stims on me, better juice up and learn to stay further away!  Aoife gos in closer tears him down to 12 hp, to no avail, SS to his rescue.  This pitter patter cat and mouse game continues similarly till i run out of ammo and last I saw was enemy at full hp.  I radio, "you still there?" ---- silence.   I break for the right border edgehalf way there i see the telltale sign of a comrades fallen gear and then the sight of it being whisked away, at the edge I radio one last time "gg till we meet again".

Ed Wood:
To be honest! There sould be an overdosage! after the 2nd SS you take another and you have the chance of overdosage and die instantly what ever was your HP... The same goes for the regualr drogs... choos what drogs you take!!! if you take more than 2 then you have the chance that your die from the overdosage! If you think this is harsh then think about on that the wastelands are harsh too... or just ask a real life junky how many frend of hes died from overdosage!


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