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Public Trapper Camp near NCR.

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Actually this is still going, especially now that base access has been fixed.

I just need to make a big enough list so almost anyone can have access.

the underground:
the undergro; if you see 10 caps laying on the ground I was there the day before.

BTW- The money is a token of respect to Bruha. I would sppreciate it if it was left there.

TMA ModMic:
Ah okay, lol, I take 2 cars from there one with a fresh looted Family Grave SE and one with tons of cigarettes and nuka  :-X

However, me and my brother spawn in there and about 5 guys shot at us so we rush them in the terminal tent  ::)

But nice project  :P

Greetings ModMic  :)

Yes, the "main" point of the trapper camp is to be some sort of Reno closer to NCR for more random nub activity.

I can't really control people parking cars and such, I just recommend they look twice before doing anything on the trapper camp near NCR quarry.

The 'main point' is to troll everyone in NCR, while he faps over his terminal. This is a serious cock move, adding everyone to it. And you did happen to put it near an important landmark for me, my trapper camp. Can we seriously get a way to remove ourselves, because this is just totally dumb shit.

Oh Yeah, don't take your leader alt to NCR when he is around, he will add this useless shit to your character as well. Such an arrogant prick...


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