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Changelog 17/02/13

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--- Quote from: LittleBoy on February 17, 2013, 10:59:43 am ---Predators :  Why rats have fast shot perk and bitting for 5dmg to any armor? Why not use usually rats? ... it's pretty annoying.  :)

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All predators have Living Anatomy perk. They are specialized in killing alive things after all.
It's a feature and won't change. If you watch the game it's not a big deal.


--- Quote ---You get more critical successes and fewer critical failures when you are healing, and you receive a +2 bonus to damage per any attack targeting living creatures
--- End quote ---
Living anatomy perk has been reworked, you receive +2 bonus to damage, not 5 like it was in previous sessions thus it's impossible they have this perk.

EDIT: Just checked, you were right the descriptions on wiki, nitue or changelog were false. Living anatomy really does add +5 bonus to damage. Some dev could tell us if this is gonna change or stay like it is now (intention was only +2 bonus apparently).


--- Quote from: Kelin on February 17, 2013, 12:32:49 pm ---Living anatomy perk has been reworked, you receive +2 bonus to damage, not 5 like it was in previous sessions thus it's impossible they have this perk.

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they have fast shot as i write


--- Quote from: Kelin on February 17, 2013, 12:32:49 pm ---Living anatomy perk has been reworked, you receive +2 bonus to damage, not 5 like it was in previous sessions thus it's impossible they have this perk.
--- End quote ---

Living Anatomy gives +5 dmg. Either description is wrong or the perk is, but that's how it is now.
I will check it out, but even if LA would be nerfed, predators would get something else to boost their minimal damage.
Personally I don't see much reason to nerf LA though.

Can you or anyone else tell me if this perk really gets "nerfed" in this session? I'm really thinking of making a character with this perk (which would be otherwise a waste of a perk!). I don't want to level another char and see that it got "fixed" with the next update. Already have a useless sg crit burst sneaker :/


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