Other > Suggestions

(New?) Idea for bringing PA/APA back in the game

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How about PA/APA isn't obtainable through farming BOS/Enclave, but through a multi-stage quest for either faction?

You would have to join BOS/Enclave.
You would have to do a series of high level quests, available at player level over 21.
Quests are repeatable but the quest timer for these is set to a looong period of time not 2 hrs, more like 3-4 weeks.
You would get 1 Set of PA per char, alting would be more or less no problem, since the requirements are so high therefore it wouldnt be farmed.

The PA could also be more complex to maintain:
1. It is POWERED Armor, so it needs recharging from time to time. Recharging stations are only either in unguarded high-risk locations or at BOS/Enclave, but with the requirement of repairing the recharge station first.
To avoid players just bring repair alt, the recharger at BOS/Enclave is on secluded map where only one player at a time gets in (like the brahmin willow from westin quest).
If you fail to recharge in time your char becomes immobile and has to take the PA off.
2. Maintenance will be more or less impossible due to no spare parts. Detoriation could be pretty slow, but still at some point the armor gets broken for good. Also PA could be repaired by BOS/Enclave for doing another small repeatable quest to make it last longer, but condition still decays over time (Nevr gets back to 100)

This would make you think twice where and when you use your PA.

When you lose the PA either because its broken or stolen or lost in battle, you will be able to get a new one by repeating the quest for BOS/Enclave.
Or you have to fight to get another player's Set which can be very difficult.

All in all I think its a good way to bring PAs back and add new challenges to the game too.

What do you think?

As far as I know PA/APA in not in the game due to a game balance issue. Remember old Fallouts? It made you almost invulnerable. Everyone would want to have it if it was that powerful. On the other hand if it gets nerfed too much the idea of having one loses all its meaning. Guess that settles the issue with farming it from BoS/Enclave.

I really like your idea of obtaining it through other means. I'm not sure if joining BoS/E is the good way to go however. Since you can't join a player faction once you're with BoS/E, and as we know Fonline 2238 is about player factions - your proposition will encourace alting. People will keep an alt to do BoS/E quests for armor, then give it to another char.

But since I have no propositions on how to address the issue - I'll have to think about it for a bit :)

Just simply make it craftable.Of course a bunch of stuff gonna need for it and a lot of repair or science %.And this balance issue thing a crap.Just check out Gatling laser...It's overpowered as well and none crying because of that :)

Gatling overpowered???

Thou art mistaken Sir.

Gatling is shit against Metal Armors for example. It is a specialized weapon and requires a specialized build . To counter the threat of GL builds you need... another specialized build. In other words - It makes PvP more interesting and diverse by forcing people to use more than one type of armor.

PA/APA on the other hand would become the only choice for hardcore PvPers

Oh sorry my bad...774 without crit isnt overpowered


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