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Author Topic: Changes to combat and dodging  (Read 1889 times)

Changes to combat and dodging
« on: February 09, 2013, 05:26:42 pm »

-Once you fire a gun you go immobile and shoot each bullet individually at a high rate of fire, each bullet chance to hit/crit is calculated individually over 2-3 seconds depending on clip size.

-1 handed weapons are exempt from the immobility but at a reduced chance to hit if they are moving.

-If the target is running towards or away from you you get a bonus % to hit them, if they are running left and right they get a dodge bonus.

-AC bonus will also apply when player is standing as long as that player is not firing or have less than 3 ap available

-Firing on an empty clip will reload the weapon

-Unaimed criticals will have a small chance to cripple a random limb

-Grenades and rockets will be hex aimed only with a 1.5 second delay between clicking and explosion/damage, small chance to cripple random limbs for both.


  • Zmikundik
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Re: Changes to combat and dodging
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2013, 09:27:55 pm »

It would make camping the only viable tactic, so no.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 09:30:26 pm by Sarakin »
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: Changes to combat and dodging
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2013, 02:06:58 am »

It would make camping the only viable tactic, so no.

Why and how is that different from now?
Re: Changes to combat and dodging
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2013, 02:33:56 am »

-If the target is running towards or away from you you get a bonus % to hit them, if they are running left and right they get a dodge bonus.

Current system is more flexible.

-AC bonus will also apply when player is standing as long as that player is not firing or have less than 3 ap available

This makes utterly no sense, you get armor class for standing, but not when standing with less than 3 action points available or firing then what's the point of having the armor class at all, or involve it in any build if in practice your either running or wasting action points on a constant basis that way having them at low amount.

I don't even understand what are you trying to achieve with this kind of change, I don't see any relevance.

-Firing on an empty clip will reload the weapon

This should rather be moved to Fast Reload perk.

-Unaimed criticals will have a small chance to cripple a random limb

I like this idea and I can tell you that it's very easy to implement by the way, small changes in the critical table as there already exists a Random modifier for critical hits which does basically just that, makes a roll to cripple a random limb.

Though no idea how this fits with the whole picture. Seems like another suggestion with randomly mashed up stuff with whatsoever no goal, no larger picture, because there isn't any at all for you, right?

Why do you even make suggestions, why did you wrote this suggestion?

-Grenades and rockets will be hex aimed only with a 1.5 second delay between clicking and explosion/damage, small chance to cripple random limbs for both.

There isn't Hex shooting for Rocket Launcher implemented even and it has been suggested multiple times, besides what are you talking about, grenades are completely useless through hex throwing already and you fail to realize that this delay isn't necessary because these weapons are already balanced through other means.

-Once you fire a gun you go immobile and shoot each bullet individually at a high rate of fire, each bullet chance to hit/crit is calculated individually over 2-3 seconds depending on clip size.

-1 handed weapons are exempt from the immobility but at a reduced chance to hit if they are moving.


Why and how is that different from now?

If you'd actually participate in some competitive action lately or ever you wouldn't ask that question and I am not going to try to explain that much, you will just have to trust me on that otherwise you'll be forced to hear things you don't like and don't want to hear and answer questions to which you don't have any real answers.

In short, mobility is what 2238 is recognized for, all other servers don't support running in combat what is more or less what you would achieve with those kind of changes.

I don't think I have to tell you that it is a major flaw for combat in other projects, for the countless time, realism is not the answer, gameplay is.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 02:50:23 am by T-888 »


  • Zmikundik
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Re: Changes to combat and dodging
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2013, 07:03:50 pm »

Why and how is that different from now?
Shooting and being forced to stand for 3s like a sitting duck is comparable to being knocked out for short duration nowadays. Guess what happens if every member of your team would be "knocked out" after rushing out.

Currently, hit and run tactics are doable and pretty effective in small-scale pvp.
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: Changes to combat and dodging
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2013, 07:27:53 pm »

The reason firing burst would render you immobile is you can't run while firing full auto and maintain any kind of aim, this would give smgs an advantage over bgs in terms of running. You could break the firing by running but you'd stop doing dps.

 T888 I've played this game longer than you and don't bother with tc because its boring. Combat in this game is as simplistic as checkers don't give me that "you don't know anything" bullshit. Just because your feeble intellect is easily amused doesn't mean people used to playing real games will get enjoyment out of the current system. Hit and run is the only tactic because of bad game design and no cover system, with my changes tanks will be big and slow and speed builds will have something other than lower damage with no compensation. As for the dodging, maybe only dodge when your aps are full and you are standing, I wanted to make it so when you are alert you can dodge but not while or directly after shooting.

T888 can gtfo my threads we all know you don't want the game to change so you can maintain your self image as king of pvp in a game only 15 people compete in, your opinion is moot.
Re: Changes to combat and dodging
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2013, 08:15:40 pm »

Hit and run is the only tactic because of bad game design and no cover system

This observation is incorrect, your changes are based on false reason.

The reason firing burst would render you immobile is you can't run while firing full auto and maintain any kind of aim, this would give smgs an advantage over bgs in terms of running. You could break the firing by running but you'd stop doing dps.

When a player consumes action points he has to be immobile to continue any action at all except running, but the distance and time spent on running, pursuing a target is time for action points you will not accumulate in that time period and you are forced to be immobile to regenerate them to be able to proceed any kind of action.

What you are describing is already working that way, you can stop accumulating action points by running therefore stopping all DPS.

Firing already makes you immobile no matter what changes you want to see for reasons yet unexplained, animation takes time complete and it is some sort of delay which has to be taken in consideration.

T888 I've played this game longer than you and don't bother with tc because its boring.

You aren't able to even make proper builds, I could teach you a lot.

T888 can gtfo my threads we all know you don't want the game to change so you can maintain your self image as king of pvp in a game only 15 people compete in, your opinion is moot.

Have you noticed that most of these kind of suggestions are never implemented or even considered, discussed publicly by a developer? They don't have the nerves to reason with players like you, it is quite frustrating to make you see the flaws of your own solutions.

You have no viable perspective on how competitive combat goes on 2238 right now and your understanding of mechanics is very poor along with that.

I can't tell that for quite a lot of players on this forum, but I can to you for good reasons.

with my changes tanks will be big and slow and speed builds will have something other than lower damage with no compensation. As for the dodging, maybe only dodge when your aps are full and you are standing, I wanted to make it so when you are alert you can dodge but not while or directly after shooting.

That's a whole different story, weaponry is not properly balanced and nobody is doing that thus combat is not entirely balanced based only on that fact, now you are suggesting some sort yet another far-fetched realism based combat structure that suddenly will make it all working fine and good.

Listen you don't even understand the real issues here.
Re: Changes to combat and dodging
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2013, 03:06:25 am »

Let's stop this nonsense and get Armor Class attached back to armor, like how it was in the original games. FOnline is too busy trying to reinvent the wheel and suffers terribly when it ignores the standards of just about every other successful RPG in existence.
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