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How to PK in NCR with no consequences [GUIDE]

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Wire is pretty much mad here, I wonder what's the reason. the first time i told you Wire about this exploit you said it doesnt work at all or it works partially so i assumed it cant be considered as an exploit. you couldnt get it working? it was too complicated? why did you ask me earlier what was i doing with these slaves then? i dont get it. you said it works partially so? i successfuly killed many people and it always worked. even with 2 killers at 1 time, it still was working perfectly.

edit: about infinite caps exploit. they didnt say anybody because they were too greedy (why would anyone else has a caps? no way!) . and only few people abused it by camping 24/7 with tasker.


--- Quote from: Wire on February 12, 2013, 02:49:50 am ---Aaand few more to clear things out:Let me illuminate before you gonna blind us with your rays of bullshit further. No pvp was turned on by me, not concerning with any dev, it is temporary. So let's stop trying to be small-minded and prejudice and draw strange conclusions just because there's an irresistible urge to open ones mouth.

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Then why were the respawn tents suddenly turned into "No PVP" zones too ? Don't tell me that's "temporary" too.
Small-minded and with prejudice, highly ironic that you dare to use these words after what you and your good buddy mayk have done to me yesterday.

Back to topic : We noticed this bug quite some time ago, we needed to test it extensively since it didn't work out 24/7 . It took us some attempts, some were foiled by GM's, I think TWICE and they didn't notice it or looked like they cared back then. If it were for me I'd have abused it forever but racoon decided to report it, which is his good right as he basicly "found" it.

But a lil different topic, he might have been over reactive with this post BUT it immediately got attention and was temporary fixed right ? Even If I didn't rejoice much when I discovered the only thing I'm having fun, since uhh, this "great" season started, has been disabled.
 Good, this permament "devs will fix it in 2 years" Shit is not nice, but you need to realise the Dev's activity over this whole season gave us, the players, the (in my opinion true) illusion Devs have abandoned this a long time ago or take their time forever. Maybe because basic things haven't been implemented for a long time and still aren't. But IDK how often this has been discussed over, so I leave it be. And I  merely wanted to stress it is my opinion, hate me for it or not.
 So whats the problem other then you claim to feel hurted again and go all the way bubu. The problem is solved and we realised you're working on it, thanks for that. Idk why, but you often act so exposed and hurted by such small things in the last weeks, sometimes its not even explicable .  You start sounding like those bluesuits I burst and then spat a tearful "FAK U" at me. This forum has more animosity-filled PVP then the game itself.

EDIT for forum mods: IDK how to contact you sorry, I'm not a expert on forums. Since I regard the middle finger and my name next to it as a personal insult, I demand that the forum user "August" promptly removes my name from his signature and is reminded proper netiquette. Thanks in advance.


--- Quote from: racoon on February 11, 2013, 02:48:32 pm ---I just wanted people to have fun before it will be nerfed.
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What you mean is "fixed" - bugs aren't getting "nerfed". It's already the second time that I see someone here use the word "nerf" instead of "fix" while talking about exploits. That must be a sign.


--- Quote from: Lexx on February 12, 2013, 05:49:37 pm ---What you mean is "fixed" - bugs aren't getting "nerfed". It's already the second time that I see someone here use the word "nerf" instead of "fix" while talking about exploits. That must be a sign.

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Proof that for some people exploits are the only 'features' they care about I guess.  In either case it's in the cooker for being fixed so no worries.

Respawn tents should have been no pvp to begin with since there is a rule that flat out states IT'S AGAINST THE RULES to pvp in respawn areas.  The fact they made it forced could be as simple as being some how connected to NCR's current forced ban, or could be that more NOOBS have been breaking the rules again going all hur dah dur in respawn tents.  Yeesh get over it.  Pvp is still in all the important places.

The dev's have every right to be human from time to time especially when 90% of the time they deal with nothing but immature whiny people who pick apart EVERY single action they do, whether to fix, enhance, or balance something in game.  Hell be lucky and GLAD they have more patience than you guys do.

Maby add no pvp zones in tc zones and nr :) or no loosing stuff feature?


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