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Author Topic: A ton of questions from a newbie...  (Read 3688 times)

Re: A ton of questions from a newbie...
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2013, 09:38:04 am »

1. ¿How to get a high number of caps easier than completing repetitive quests?

To be honest, the quests, the shit shoveling, the box lifting gives me, what? 50 caps? My goals like reaching Gunsmither Tier 2 need 4500, to get the magneto something to get in vault city it cost 3000, jesus, I cant even afford 500 to get daily pass to VC, so if someone can give me a tip I would really appreciate it.

A slaver, as suggested by roachor and others is the way to go i'd say. Easy and SAFE caps if slaves sold in NCR.

What's with people making only SG slavers?  :-\

I don't understand it either.

It's the most efficient. You can craft thousands of shotgun shells easily(which you will need) and you do damage that is perfect for slaving. EW is too resource intensive to be effective, this build gets 7 shots of 25-35 damage and all it takes is metal parts, wood and gunpowder. Never need to restock at a store because you can make everything at your tent. I honestly think this build is perfect and can't be improved upon.

We're talking newb here, so someone who has no ressources and who wants/needs to get to money quick.
Why waste time and ressources crafting ammo and guns anyway?
Slaves are like cattle and we don't want to shoot holes in our stock, we want them alive and yummy, so punching them tender is sufficient!
Create slaver that doesn't need anything from anybody, uses (almost) no ressources and gets to efficient slave counts on higher lvl- something like this!id=7988
Played in RT!
No drugs needed, just a set of spiked knuckles, knive and a tent near/next to/in zone 31:31 to snatch lone wanderers.
Able to take 9(!) slaves in the end with 7 ghoul mercs purchased.
(Alternatively to making speech so high like in this built, some of them points could be put in ODM instead for better avoiding those nasty rangers :) )

Farming slaves in 31:31 gets an average of 5k caps per hour with a similar built i played when i started second time in this season.
Re: A ton of questions from a newbie...
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2013, 04:54:01 pm »

First of all, lol at your build. The resources required to get 9 slaves means you are total shit in every other department, we're talking dumping in all of your sp to get one more slave slot. A slave slot you don't need because:
1- that unarmed build can't knock out 9 npcs in rt, sure you can tank but hitting slow with low % is a recipe for suck.
2- they will probably heal themselves while you are trying to enslave them in rt
3- Enslaving 1 npc at a time takes forever.
4- Low outdoor means getting killed with your caps, especially with a build that can't defend itself.

Reason everyone makes sg slavers is because they are they best suited for it. There's nothing complicated about getting guns lvl 1 and crafting combat shotguns and they are way more efficient than fists. Also on slaving runs hth builds aren't fast enough and you can lose guards to throwing knives or spear gangbang.

Other thing is since you can walk in tb overweight without a penalty you can load up on fibres and craft rope and go hunting overburdened.
Re: A ton of questions from a newbie...
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2013, 10:23:48 pm »

First of all, lol at your build. The resources required to get 9 slaves means you are total shit in every other department, we're talking dumping in all of your sp to get one more slave slot. A slave slot you don't need because:
1- that unarmed build can't knock out 9 npcs in rt, sure you can tank but hitting slow with low % is a recipe for suck.
2- they will probably heal themselves while you are trying to enslave them in rt
3- Enslaving 1 npc at a time takes forever.
4- Low outdoor means getting killed with your caps, especially with a build that can't defend itself.

Reason everyone makes sg slavers is because they are they best suited for it. There's nothing complicated about getting guns lvl 1 and crafting combat shotguns and they are way more efficient than fists. Also on slaving runs hth builds aren't fast enough and you can lose guards to throwing knives or spear gangbang.

Other thing is since you can walk in tb overweight without a penalty you can load up on fibres and craft rope and go hunting overburdened.

1- i go on maps with only 1 holyppl to enslave. They don't last long and have no one to help them. first fight takes 8 hits, following get shorter each slave that accompanies me in the next fight.
2- they dont, since i knock them down all the time (maybe once in like 50 times)
3- no it doesnt. Go on 31:31, with not too high ODM, they spawn like theres no tomorrow. like i stated i make the same money as your built, but using absolutely no ressources like guns and ammo.
4-thats right, i was pushing the pp a bit there and already said a higher odm would be better.

Whats right is that slow melee isn't good for slave runs, except junkies. Taking some additional help from slaves with knives helped a lot there. but i never bothered doing them as much as the den is pk-zone which neither your nor my build survives if attacked.
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