Other > Faction Announcements

Chosen soldiers.

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Wow im suprised FOnline still exists :)
ok, to topic, you called yourselfe old CS member, let me tell you something, if you are somewhere in this battle compilation, you can called yourselfe that :)

Memories :D

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: Austin on June 02, 2013, 10:27:18 am ---LOL :D
Wow im suprised FOnline still exists :)
ok, to topic, you called yourselfe old CS member, let me tell you something, if you are somewhere in this battle compilation, you can called yourselfe that :)

Memories :D

--- End quote ---
It's jacky dude.

Who the hell is Jacky LOL


--- Quote from: Austin on June 02, 2013, 12:58:49 pm ---Who the hell is Jacky LOL

--- End quote ---

Jacky is atm. is an important member of BBS while being the TC leader of The Evil Butchers, Chosen Soldiers, Hawks, The Blackjacks and The Rednecks though he is inactive those times what the reason why all those factions mentioned before, dissapeared from this server. He is also the best friend of Besmrtnik and Glumer of Hawks.



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