Other > Faction Announcements

Chosen soldiers.

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chosen soldiers:
be sides all this stupied trolling , Chosen Soldiers are still looking for some more payers so if you are bored and want to change factions , maybe to set yourself up for a bigger challange and maybe want to help a faction  grow into a bigger and stronger faction please send me more pms because we are still looking for some more players , i have just invited some guys and given them our mumble so if anyone in the waste land is still interested please send me a pm thank you very much

chosen soldiers:

Dark Angel:
From my info there is no one from old CS, it's a joke  :D

chosen soldiers:
sorry i had to take a break due to work,  but now I'm back . ok added alt to base mumble  is up and running. need more soldiers,  to do tc been let down by players being inactive need more guys still recruiting

-Max Payne-:
Nice that you are back chosen soldiers, i have see you have some actions in reno against my biggest ennemys =)


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