Other > Suggestions
Trading Between Players
Trading between players is currently limited by a few things... Currently you have to reach an agreement on the forum, then making the trade... Which is difficult in a lot of cases. First off it comes with the danger of losing your stuff, then there is the location problem (sometimes you have to travel all across the worldmap with the stuff you want to sell), the third problem is the difference between timezones (one have to be online to make the trade.
The answer would be a Auctioneer in every city, with shared stock (think of it as a modified trader)
Now I have read something similar suggested, but that discussion was mainly about creating the perfect trading location (http://fodev.net/forum/index.php/topic,17827.0.html)
However that also lacks the offline trading option.
What I would suggest is:
Put an auctioneer in every city (or every Guarded town).
It should work something like this: Players go to the NPC, he has three options listed, view my auctions, put up auction, or look at auctions.
Put up auction: The NPC opens up the barter menu, on one side the player puts the item he wants to sell. On the other side the trader would have Caps (preferably some insane amount). The player sets up the amount he wants to sell his item, then he hits trade, the barter menu closes, and the dialogue menu opens up:
- "How long the auction should last" : Player types in to say a number of hours.
- "Auction set up, your account numer is: (generated number), set code please" Player types a code in Say menu
- "Finished"
(The min raise would always be 10% of the price, Or could be set in a different dialogue option)
After this the item disappears from the inventory of the player (as if he sold it) but he doesn't receive the caps yet.
At this point the NPC remembers the player as a bank would.
In the Look at auctions option:
-"What is your account" Player writes his number and code or
-"Set up account" ->
- "Auction set up, your account numer is: (generated number), set code please" Player types a code in Say menu ->
Barter screen comes up, on the NPCs side are the items up for auction (same as normal barter) when dragged to buy it shows its current price (always the current minimum bid amount) Player then puts up cash, hits trade, caps disappear, item price raises.
NPC remembers Player as a bank would.
In the My auctions option:
-"What is your account" Player writes his number and code
Then the NPC would show in dialogue
-"Current auctions" (something like this: - 1x Light support Weapon, Time left: 22 Hours, Current bids: 5600 Caps)
-"Collect items"
This gives other dialogues:
-> -"Here are your items" (If auction is over, the one who sold it would collect the caps, the one who won collects the item)
-> -"The auction is not over yet"
-> -"You have no active auctions"
Players would have to set up account only once and after that they could use it to bid or put up auctions later on.
I should also mention that the bidding part could work outside the barter menu, (like with banks, you would type in the amount of caps you want to bid on the item) however in this case the dialogue should show the deterioration of the item.
This all could be made by modifying a trader script so all auctioneer NPCs would have the same stock, and would also work like a bank.
I know this would only work with trading items for Caps (Trading items for items would require the NPC to set a price for the items you would offer and I don't think everybody would be happy with the price) but it would still be a nice thing to have in-game.
Suggestions, modifications, ideas?
People hate on wow so much it blinds them to the aspects they got right, auction system is one of them.
I think such auctioneer, if implemented, should take like 40% of the money.
So you could risk for better price or go to auctioneer to sell for less but safely.
--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 03, 2013, 06:27:30 pm ---I think such auctioneer, if implemented, should take like 40% of the money.
--- End quote ---
Or make the percentage depend on the barter skill.
--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 03, 2013, 06:27:30 pm ---I think such auctioneer, if implemented, should take like 40% of the money.
So you could risk for better price or go to auctioneer to sell for less but safely.
--- End quote ---
It should cost something to use the auctioneer, yes. However if the price is too high nobody will use the service.
--- Quote from: davrot on February 03, 2013, 06:30:08 pm ---Or make the percentage depend on the barter skill.
--- End quote ---
This would be a better idea. The percentage should not be bigger than 15 percent, otherwise nobody would use these auctioneers, or would put their items up for something way above than what they are actually worth. (and nobody would buy them)
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