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Killed by unity patrol

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Jorhan Stahl:
Fair enough. Just wanted to get it cleared up so I know to avoid them as much as possible.
I tend to blunder into things often.. got too close to a door I wasn't allowed to, walked up to someone with my hammer equipped after mining.. death seems to be the main method of teaching me so far.

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: Jorhan Stahl on January 27, 2013, 12:27:34 pm ---death seems to be the main method of teaching me so far.

--- End quote ---
Don't let it get to you.The first few months are always tough.
It's all about finding your niche.

Jorhan Stahl:
Getting killed doesn't bother me. I'm only wearing lather armour and use combat shotguns or tommy guns, which I can easily re-make, or trade in ammunition for with the NPCs.
pickpockets are pissing me off, though, but that just taught me to hold my good stuff in my hands before I trade it, leaving them with a handful of fruit or a shit-covered spade to steal.

Avoiding the towns where the pickpocket noobs hang out also helps.  But yeah basically go with everything is gonna kill you, stay as far away as you can, and sadly trust just about no one and you slowly get to find the little good mixed in with the bad.  You shouldn't have to worry too much about spawning on Unity or what not, I've only had it happen a handful of times, the trick is watch your loading screen and be ready to run like hell.  BTW they used to I'm not sure if they do now haven't checked but any encounters with 'Merchants' Don't like you having your weapon out when you're in the same area as them, they usually yell, but sometimes just come out blazing.

Aha, hello Stahl
Met you few hours ago, you was blue suite with tommy gun.
I managed to kill all Unity patrols, but when i yell at you take the loot you was not there anymore
next time go with me  ;D


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