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Author Topic: Is it better to trade, or mine your own? (better ores and minerals)  (Read 1348 times)

Jorhan Stahl

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Didn't think this'd be worth asking in the buying/selling section of this site.
Basically.. yeah that's my question. as this is my first character I am not too bothered about being the best gunner, sniper, energy weapons user etc. out there right now. I'll focus more on that at a later time, but what I am curious about is the higher grade ores and minerals.
As a level 9 character I'd re-live my first ever experience on here and get shot in the balls if I tried to go to the unguarded mines right now, but is there a market for trading the higher grade ores and minerals? Or do people just hang on to what they get?
Re: Is it better to trade, or mine your own? (better ores and minerals)
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 11:21:38 pm »

It's usually better to mine it yourself, though you can occasionally get stacks of HQ alloys from other players who dissemble PvE loot.,27618.0.html

This auction here is still sitting at an okay price, it's hard to go wrong with hq anything at around 50-80 caps a unit.

Jorhan Stahl

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Re: Is it better to trade, or mine your own? (better ores and minerals)
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2013, 11:33:02 pm »

Ahhh. I forgot about dissembling.


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Re: Is it better to trade, or mine your own? (better ores and minerals)
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2013, 01:44:25 am »

Mine your own! Get a ST 10 guy with both Carry Weight perks, so he has max CW 196, a tent near an HQ mine like Gecko or Broken Hills (or Redding but it has aliens). Have Charisma 2 or higher and rope a wild cow - leave him standing by at the tent. Go into mine naked with 1 hammer and mine it all. I mean all of it. Every rock cluster. Then carry out last load to tent and bring cow back in, load it all up fast as you can, and get outta there. Get a dedicated miner character with Agility 10 and 2 Action Boys and it all goes a little faster.

This Message is Sponsored by THE FREE MINERS FEDERATION, 2238.

Caution: some settling may occur during shipping and handling. Oh and expect to be murdered sometimes.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.

Jorhan Stahl

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Re: Is it better to trade, or mine your own? (better ores and minerals)
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2013, 12:25:26 pm »

I totally can't stop seeing the face in the overworld map now I've seen your profile picture. but thanks for the info =)

And I have come to expect murder from every encounter so far.
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