Your posts in response to whines are so amusing ... you should just say"ITs our game you do what we want you to! If we will want you to shovel shit 24/7 YOU WILL FUCKING shovel shit 24/7 or gtfo"and in case you would want to flame me down : caves are not fixed - nice economy update
ITs our game you do what we want you to! If we will want you to shovel shit 24/7 YOU WILL FUCKING shovel shit 24/7 or gtfoAdditionally to this, I shoveled like 5 shit's so far, just for the lulz. Don't need that to become rich or level up.
No seriously. Right now, I have a tent and a leather armor with a sawed-off shotgun without any ammo. But I already know how I will get me some more ammo, without crafting.
So, please devs, could quests with better rewards when you hit higher levels?
well it seems to me that you just need a little bt more expierience with FOnline to play it... and a bunch of good helping buddies would certainly be a good idea, the worst thing you can do is to play FOnline solo as a newbie...good luck and give this game another chance, maybe Cheetah would help you, as he is so sweet xD?and I still play this game exactly because it is hard and unforgiving!
Just want to thank Cheetah for being a sweetheart, in-game.Gives me a bit more faith that not everyone's out to discourage new players *coughcough*
Today I've done a little quest with my gang at NCR. We kill some armed tribals who were blocking a railway or something like that. It was very fun but... It take to the fighters 5min and some ammo, and give 1000xp at the leader... It's cool, but a quest far longer, with really better reward and challenge, and a good story would be cool.