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Author Topic: Some Evolution, during cessions  (Read 1570 times)

Some Evolution, during cessions
« on: January 19, 2013, 10:32:22 pm »

I think this would need an extended proposition, but lazyness got me hard these days.
I kept seeing people complaining about wipe, every days since i began. Even a few days after a wipe, people are asking for a wipe. Some are hoping for a wipe, in order to get the server changes that usually come with a wipe. Other just want to come back in the dark ages when the stuff is rare and precious, so they could come in TC with shotgun and flamethrower.
But now, all team have many members and years of experiences. So, they usually manage to buy a base, manufacture brotherhood armors, and take town in less than three days. So, it's like the wipe never happened. Worse, sometime a team manage to get to theses step in the first day, thanks to cheats, and keep an advantages for weeks, thanks to unbalanced town chest. (like 2mm ammo this cession)

My point is, that if the majority of players prefer a period where everything is hard to find and some technology unreachable to soon, what about having cession in which the technology available change, according the period.

Let's say that the dev choose that the 8th cession will last 12 month. They wipe the 1 january 2014 and the 1 january 2015 (and don't celebrate the new year like everyone)

In january, the wasteland would be in the stone age. None can buy bases, just make tent. You can't get gun, but rocks, spears and knives. Advanced cities are not in the worldmap. You cannont join npc factions. Level cap : 2

In february, you manage to get pistol and shotgun, that have short magazine and are pretty ureliable. You can make leather jacket, and healing powder. You can smoke and drink alcool. You can buy trapper camps and caves. You also can own animals. Level cap : 4

In march, guns start to be more reliable. You can make stimpack and Leather Armors. Flamethrower, throwing knives and cocktail molotov start to be used on the battlefield. Level cap : 6

In april, now you can get every weapons, except gauss, minigun, laser rifle, sniper rifle, plasma and EMP grenades.
You can have metal armors, and every bases, except Outpost, Gas Station, and Bunker. Level cap : 8

In May, You can enslave people. You also can hire ghoul mercenaries and human companions. Level cap : 10

In June, you can get Combat armors, Minigun, Laser rifle, plasma grenades. You can buy all bases except bunker. Level cap : 12

In July, you can join npc faction. Vault City, The Hub, and every advanced cities appears. Level cap : 14

In August, it's time to get everything you can have now (Avenger, Sniper, EMP grenades...), except drugs. You can buy Bunker. Level cap : 16

In September, you can get all drugs. (combat drugs, rads drugs, superstims). Level cap : 18

In October, time to get the gauss pistol, Gatling, Stealth boy, and motion sensor, rare technology existing today (in Fonline2238) Level cap : 20

In November, you can hire human mercenaries. Level cap : 22

In December, last month of cession, you get everything you dreamed of, PA, APA, Vindicator, Vertibird. You can also hire muties mercenaries. Level cap : 24

The tech that players shouldn't access wouldn't appear anywhere on the wasteland, wouldn't be craftable (noblueprint or profession), and be broken if it comes in players inventory.
I also included a progressive level cap, so that the skills of characters would also be improved with every new age.
Also it would allow more time for casual, to match with nolife, and avoid grinding.

Of course, other ideas could come up, with that kind of orientation.

If we go in that direction, it would not only make the Wipe effect last longer, but would create a lot of post-wipe madness in the beginning of every new step of the cession, as everytime (every month for instance), there would be a lot of "new" contents, that would keep people excited.

Of course, i may have misjudged what makes people fond of wipes.
So, before proposing other ideas on that orientation, i'll wait for your opinion.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 10:34:32 pm by naossano »


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Re: Some Evolution, during cessions
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2013, 10:37:05 pm »

2238 represents the time after Fallout 2, making it possible to play in the wasteland with friends, and do quests, or pk, or trolling, or whatever you want.
What you suggest is more like a 1-year-story-server. 2238 team won't change their entire server for this idea.
Re: Some Evolution, during cessions
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2013, 10:39:18 pm »

How much acetone did you have to drink to think this is a good idea?
Re: Some Evolution, during cessions
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2013, 10:41:39 pm »

IMO, it would solve a lot of problem and avoid a lot of complain.

About those  it would create, i let you enlight me.
Re: Some Evolution, during cessions
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2013, 11:32:09 pm »

IMO, it would solve a lot of problem and avoid a lot of complain.

About those  it would create, i let you enlight me.

Removing what little content the game has and impose a retarded level cap ensuring you can't do anything properly for a year would be a death sentence for this or any other game.
Re: Some Evolution, during cessions
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2013, 02:45:10 am »

There was another suggestion about this that involved tier 1 tier 2 and tier 3 stuff being available at certain dates, the idea of instituting a level cap like that (2 more levels a month are you kidding me?)

One thing that should be instituted would be no TC for the first week so we don't have a gang that holds all the towns for a week before the other gangs even know there was a wipe and come back.

Mike Crosser

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Re: Some Evolution, during cessions
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2013, 11:26:33 am »

One thing that should be instituted would be no TC for the first week so we don't have a gang that holds all the towns for a week before the other gangs even know there was a wipe and come back.
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