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Author Topic: Brainstorming about NPC Factions  (Read 2394 times)

Brainstorming about NPC Factions
« on: January 19, 2013, 03:51:25 pm »

The truth is, they are completely useless the way they are right now.

Current quests should be fixed/finished, and new quests should be added for every NPC faction, allowing players to advance in ranks and get access to better equipment (I like the idea what they started to do with the Brotherhood faction, too bad it never got finished, it should be completed, and something similar should be made for VC, NCR, Raiders, Slavers, Reno and Enclave as well)

The second problem is that these factions don't affect the game at all, its like the are content the way things are, and don't want to move a finger on changing the territorial outlines.
This is a more difficult problem that requires a more difficult solution (but hey, I'm brainstorming so maybe someone will get an idea how to fix it better, Ill just write down whats on my mind).

I think player factions should get the option to ally themselves with the NPC factions.
- Allied factions would be automatically enemies with the enemies of their allied faction, and the PC factions that are allied with their enemies. (I hope I'm making sense here :P)
- When allied with an NPC faction, PC factions should complete quests for the NPC faction to make their alliance last (something like reputation, you do quests, your reputation gets higher -> your faction receives more support from the NPC faction (items, ammo, caps... etc); you don't do quests, your reputation drops to the point where you are no longer considered to be allies and don't receive anything)
- GMs should also have the option to announce randomly when an NPC faction prepares to do TC (allies and members should be able to participate of course. If not many people from the faction are online than they should receive help from NPC faction members)
-Ally control: (To avoid one faction becoming super powerful) When requesting an alliance from the NPC faction it should automatically check the number of people in every allied faction it has, compared to their enemy NPC faction, and if the difference is too great it should simply state "we already have enough allies, sorry"
- Random events for the allies: anything that pops into a GMs mind, for example: create a random area between two enemy factions, then get the factions and allies to fight a territorial war.

That`s it so far, will write more if it comes to mind.

Ideas, suggestions?
Re: Brainstorming about NPC Factions
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2013, 05:11:49 pm »

 :D DYES!Love it!Genius!Thank YOU! :D
Those are the things this game needs to make it more interesting and create new pvp situations other than simple TC.

Ideas, suggestions?

I'd add the following:
Instead of only GMs announcing TC events manually, maybe some kind of faction AI could be implemented, that makes factions act accordingly to what players or player factions do for them. This would be more dynamic and not dependand on GM being present.
- NPC factions generate "random" quests of all sorts in enemy cities, that add more influence (-points?) for them upon completion (kind of an infiltration phase). If certain amount of quests have been done for them, they automatically initiate an attempt to physically raise their territorial influence by starting TC in enemy factions territory.
- Those Quests are either for single players that have joined the ranks of that NPC faction, or for allied player factions. Each City will have some kind of "quest pool" for each faction, from which quests are given out and locked until completion or a timer running out. This would require a lot of scripting :-\
Ideas for such quests: Stealing important documents from town leader/ sabotaging local infrastructure and machinery/ persuading merchants to leave town for faction therefore worsen the economy of that town (YAY, speech skill!)/ stopping caravans, that want to enter the way or the other ;D
- Each of the large factions (NCR/BOS/VC/SHI/RENO MOBS/ENCLAVE) has a "capital" which is the center of operations (=guarded town) and can't be taken over, whilst all other cities are undergoing a steady political shifting steered by players actions(=unguarded). This would require making some brand new towns, since there are not so many to conquer right now.
- ...
Thanks for opening this topic! Hope people will contribute much, for this could actually give the game some background atmosphere which is missing badly!
Re: Brainstorming about NPC Factions
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2013, 06:32:28 pm »

Yayy someone likes my idea!  :D

-Killing PCs from enemy faction or allies of enemy faction increases reputation.
-Adding cities would be too problematic I think, but how about adding some small villages?

I know this is terribly complicated to make, but it would make the game more lively, and help GMs control faction wars a little better. It would also give players things to do, besides farming.

I like all your ideas, especially the infiltration quests.
I wrote the TC to be GM controlled because its easier that way, It WOULD be better to have an AI but its just too damned hard to make (but since I don't know how it would work, I'm just guessing)

PS: If anyone is reading this topic, could you write if you like this idea or not? Because I would like to know if its generally considered to be a good idea or not.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 06:36:56 pm by DrakoWolf »
Re: Brainstorming about NPC Factions
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2013, 06:53:41 pm »

-Killing PCs from enemy faction or allies of enemy faction increases reputation.
Another good way to pvp with other reward than the sweet taste of player-murder, like it.

-Adding cities would be too problematic I think, but how about adding some small villages?
Sure. As long as there will be more maps to conquer. Always the same 4 towns WILL get boring over some time.

I wrote the TC to be GM controlled because its easier that way, It WOULD be better to have an AI but its just too damned hard to make (but since I don't know how it would work, I'm just guessing)
It is hard, i believe that instantly. Having no knowledge of coding/scripting whatsoever i can only imagine the complexity of set triggers, linked to several npcs, timers that have to run simultaniously, god there must be a simplified solution for this and shit, I cannot think of one! Would be nice to hear from a dev in what dimension this feature could be implemented realistically...
Please let it be possible *crossing fingers*

Re: Brainstorming about NPC Factions
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2013, 08:29:33 pm »

NPC factions allied with player factions is bad.

Nobody wants NPCs in the middle of PVP, leave them as it is if it means interfering with PVP.
Re: Brainstorming about NPC Factions
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2013, 09:06:29 pm »

I don't know... don't some people use mercs for TC?
Re: Brainstorming about NPC Factions
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2013, 09:48:43 pm »

I don't know... don't some people use mercs for TC?

Proof that NPC intervention is bad enough as it is.
Re: Brainstorming about NPC Factions
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2013, 09:51:24 pm »

NPC factions allied with player factions is bad.

Nobody wants NPCs in the middle of PVP, leave them as it is if it means interfering with PVP.

You can count me among the nobody.

(but i prefer true self-aware npc, not controlled mercs)
Re: Brainstorming about NPC Factions
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2013, 10:45:03 am »

Nobody wants NPCs in the middle of PVP, leave them as it is if it means interfering with PVP.

Why? I'm not that into pvp so if it has technical reasons explain please.

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Re: Brainstorming about NPC Factions
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2013, 11:23:58 am »

Why? I'm not that into pvp so if it has technical reasons explain please.
Are you serious?
NPCs have incredibly fast reactions,they can slaughter players with ease or simply used as meat shields.
At one point they were so overused that they had to nerf one of their key attack features.
Re: Brainstorming about NPC Factions
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2013, 10:11:29 pm »

NPCs have incredibly fast reactions,they can slaughter players with ease or simply used as meat shields.
At one point they were so overused that they had to nerf one of their key attack features.

hm, ok. No npcs then. Only players in the name of xy or their own faction as it was.
Or maybe super-weak cannon-fodder npcs? Just for the fun of it?
..No, server can barely handle 50 PCs on one map. Ok scrap that.


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Re: Brainstorming about NPC Factions
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2013, 04:33:23 am »

Maintaining good relationship with a faction should provide you some interesting advantages.

Maintaining meaning:
-completing their quests
-killing rival NPCs
-handing various mats

-good prices with their traders
-PvE help (no PvP intervention as others already pointed out)
-supply of certain valuable items

In the end, we would get more means how to spend time in the game and have fun.
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: Brainstorming about NPC Factions
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2013, 08:15:05 pm »

In the end, we would get more means how to spend time in the game and have fun.

... and I think that's what we need
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