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I need a m60 build

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--- Quote from: shenbei8 on January 18, 2013, 03:51:04 am ---
who do u talk to?   ??? ???

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Cyber Jesus ????


--- Quote from: gauvaran on January 18, 2013, 04:23:39 am ---Cyber Jesus ????

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Cyber Jesus:

--- Quote from: greenthumb on January 17, 2013, 03:59:28 pm ---@cyber :is your alt ranged or melee? is it RT or TB? is it troll,farmer,bomber?

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Why does that matter? Its an hth troll with 140 AC. Spending so much perks for it is useless because I get hit almost every time I enter and start running, its like I don't have any AC at all(he originally had 220AC before the nerf).

I noticed that when farming with bg i mostly one hex npcs.
So why not take enough just to one hex npcs and put the rest in another weapon to shoot from afar too?
Just an idea.

@cyber: AC has been nerfed, so i believe it is not anymore usabe for HTH, but if you gona burst enemy from 20-30 hexes, they will be unable to hit you(in TB), so they will be forced to run towards you, in TB its probably even more efficient, since they can move significantly less compared to you, you should be able to avoid shooting them in maybe first 3-5 turns, what will advance you extra 3-5 bursts from M60.


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