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I need a m60 build

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Mike Crosser:
Since I suck at the character maker I figured I better just post here.
Nothing special just a no drug m60 build for farming NCR army and nothing else.

Any tips are welcome.
EDIT:I forgot to say,it needs to be TB,my bad

TB or RT? Solo or group hunts? Do you need to be a mule too to loot gear? You like to rush in close or stand closer to max range from target? Are you okay with doing more normal damage and less criticals...or do you want max crits at the cost of something else? Do you want to bring along any followers like a BG merc or human companion?

Please prioritize these for me: crits, shear bursting damage, damage resistance, Sight.

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: Marko on January 14, 2013, 01:19:21 am ---TB or RT? Solo or group hunts? Do you need to be a mule too to loot gear? You like to rush in close or stand closer to max range from target? Are you okay with doing more normal damage and less criticals...or do you want max crits at the cost of something else? Do you want to bring along any followers like a BG merc or human companion?

Please prioritize these for me: crits, shear bursting damage, damage resistance, Sight.

--- End quote ---
Ok where to begin
Not exactly,average CW should do it(about 100)
More normal damage
No followers,no mercs

I hope that helps.

Tag Big Guns, Doctor and First Aid then? Or do you want OD instead of FA and use stims?

what is a tb build going to do with fa or doc?


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