And remember that Luck doesn't affect the chance to get and find special encs.
That's what the devs want you to believe.
...speculate etc 
You can have it.
The new mechanics work the same way as Wire's "random encounters", which mean the encounter is tailored to a character nick, which means the special encounters are distributed by GMs and not by some mysterious mechanics, which don't exist.
The encounters are placed by GMs hand in places which are supposed to be visited by these type of players. When someone post about it on forums, the coordinates are changed - something i can guarantee.
Because Jovanka in my opinion will choose a simple, GM-driven solution, because arrogance won't let leave this glee for some kind of mechanics, ergo, mechanics which doesn't need to be developed.
IPs of connected players are bound to logged IPs on forum and since the most players are lazy to change IP between bitchposting and playing, the not-favorable profiles can be excluded from the encounter list.
So getting such a special encounter is possible if you are favoured by GM/developer buddy or a "random-noob-getting-special-encounter-just-to-prove-that-are-all-equal." Or when someone is drunk and want to throw some godpowers around.