Other > Closed suggestions

Craft table crowd coontrol

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I think around 25 of the new ones were from Reddit who joined right before the wipe.

If you don't like the crowds why not try somewhere else?  :-\

I goto the junktown bench for this very reason


--- Quote from: Solar on March 27, 2010, 01:04:41 am ---If you don't like the crowds why not try somewhere else?  :-\

--- End quote ---

My guess is that people like to go to NCR because there are  many other people to talk to, it is a guarded town, people are constantly trading for goods, and resources like Brahmins are close to NCR.

--- Quote from: DrapiChrust on March 26, 2010, 03:44:42 pm ---It's normal at the beginning. The crowd will shrink in time, when more an more people will have bases.

--- End quote ---

I agree with this, it probably will. There will still be some crowds during the most active parts of the day, but it should go down soon.

Moved. Read latest changelog.


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