Other > Closed suggestions

Craft table crowd coontrol

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Since the latest wipe, i have noticed significant increase in waste land population. The problem i'm submitting is that there is way too much crowding in the ncr craft table. Ncr being the noob central (no offense) it is quite common to see it overcrowded. My suggestion is another craft table somewhere perhaps. Maybe right next to it, or one out by the scraps next to brahimn pen. ::)

Quentin Lang:

--- Quote from: Hertz on March 26, 2010, 03:15:28 pm ---Ncr being the noob central (no offense)
--- End quote ---
Well, that definately includes you too.

Oh.. that's was fun, when someone "accidentally" forgot to put away weapon, and supermutie bursted all bluesuiters near workbrench.. but.. there's still no place, because the second wave filled it again.

It's normal at the beginning. The crowd will shrink in time, when more an more people will have bases.

I wouldnt say its normal to have over 500 players on at once.Last time around it was over 400 sometimes and 300 most of the time.Even during the slower time period we still had over 200 players on.Maybe its time to expand


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