Look at my older screens, last time i have fight with my 197 hp bigguner, against 3 biguner and 1 gatling tank in reno, kill them all 2 times, so stop say that i donate my stuf, the fight against axelka and scetcesz was epic, and you will never fuck up 2 bigguner with shoot like 629 bypassed with your fucking unarmed.
I have try unarmed too, and dont love it, i just prefer burst the ennemy 1 hex with critic, thats why i have only critic bigguner.
Unarmed is just funny for explose npc.
I dont cry here, i post this screens, because you kill me at 5vs 1, and call me NOOB,in spit of 2 of your guys die, you troll me , like ever, because its your goal in game.