Some people know a lot but are too lazy to prepare

You've got to level up alts(crafters, miners, traders, scouts, pvp apes; too lazy), you've got to farm/craft stuff(too lazy), you've got to set up a tent + car network to do things efficiently(too lazy). And lots of other things(too lazy).
That's why I keep running around with a hth knife-wearer sneak cripple troll, it's fun when you're even able to kill a fully geared ape sometimes(need to be incredibly lucky though).
But sometimes I'm even too lazy to get a knife.Well, the point is that
this game requires alting to play efficiently and stand up to other players. In the previous session I had 1 or 2 PvP apes, played some TC with a gang. I was being bashed for asking if someone could taxi me. I perfectly understood them - everyone has been doing everything himself so I should have as well.
But see the point. I had to cheat - dual log to do things "the right way". And I am too lazy to do this.