After losing 10k in worldmap because "already" problems, I see have two players in Reno.

The first time my character is completely offline and when come back, I'm at the cemetery...niiiice!!!! Trying to overcome the frustration I choose to insist on error. Are 4:27 a.m here and I'm full of nuka cola to sleep. It seems that something has conspired against me, and I dont have someone to help me... Many times me and Ivic for example wait for players for this time, but nothing nothing nothing! Always it!!! Damn murphy's law!! Well .. on the second attempt can break arms, and steal the sniper and automatic form Tony_SG. The BG decides to escape with a broken arm. And suddenly:

This illustration of the loading screen seemed ironically reveal my reaction to myself. It looked like a mirror! Fuck that shit! It seems that this kind of shit has just happened to me. I'm sick of this shit!