I know Melee and SG are 2 of the 3 skills, but what's the third one?
No I got melee and BG because I use flamers to rape floaters and aliens and what not. The third is outdoors so I can farm brahmin hides and gecko pelts and stuff safely.
I don't understand why most melee builds have one PE.maybe 4 PE is better so you can at least see what you are running into
Your build is crap, and if a dev told you more crit works with hth then why are they telling everyone else the opposite? If you are going for crits you don't need more than 5 str, haymaker and more hth + adds 30%. You're better off with more ap than the dmg bonus from bruiser, I'd suggest finesse if your goal is really just crippling. 2 int and 10 end would be a better idea for this.
5 strength for Adr rush, is it worth?