Other > Closed suggestions
FA and doc as of 03.25 wipe
--- Quote from: Solar on March 26, 2010, 10:10:49 am ---FA and Doc cooldowns are now the same, use Doc to remove FA.
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Did the doc cooldowns change? Because i didnt notice... IF the Doc skill scaled CD would match the FA scaled CD, then i wouldnt have problem with this, because i have 1:1 doc:FA skill.
--- Quote from: Solar on March 26, 2010, 10:10:49 am ---For turn based, it is not currently possible to lower the cooldowns in accordance with turns taken, so its just frozen. It was possible to wait out a turn to VASTLY increase the effectiveness of FA. Now it isn't.
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Yeah, just like i said. So does this mean, this is just a temporary solution? Because if it is, then good, you are working on it, ill just wait untill theres a change and dont make a doc char until then.
--- Quote from: Solar on March 26, 2010, 10:10:49 am ---You can still heal multiple people with your FA skill, so its not totally needed to match your doc skill to your FA, but if you want to be a totally effective doctor you certainly need the doctor skill.
Hopefully this now means you need to be a doctor char, rather than just a combat god with bumped up FA.
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Again, IF the CD of doc would be a bit more reasonable, then it would be fine by me. But i AM a doctor, like i said, with 1:1 skill in doc:FA, and from my own experience, the CD on my doc skill is more then TWENTY MINUTES. Ofc, im still a low level char, but this just tells me, that when im lvl 20-ish, then my FA CD will be ~1 min, while my doc at ~5 minutes, thus rendering my FA skill useless for the remainder of those 4 minutes..(in a big battle)
--- Quote from: Solar on March 26, 2010, 10:10:49 am ---Also, stims and S.stims got a large price reduction, use these.
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But why?? You nerf the ability of the DEDICATED healer class, to replace it with a potion that can be infinitely used without penalty by ANYONE with no healing skills, i just dont get it ???
- Doc countdown should've changed as of last night (At about 10-11 GMT)
- When the engine can support cooldown counting down as turns are taken, this will be how it will work
- Doc cooldown should be lower now (see above). If it isn't its a bug and will be fixed.
- Healer class chars got a tremendous boost IMO. No longer will every man and his dog have 100 FA and be able to take care of all their FA-ing needs, so there should be a place for battlefield medics (Both in terms of being able to heal multiple people with your FA skill and in the extra ability a dedicated doctor char has over a simple FA PvP char.
As for why people would bother to use medic's services rather than use stims, stims still cost money - hopefully the cost of healing is a little more reasonable to see stims used, but free still beats any cost.
I would've preferred having to use first aid kits to heal people, but I'm interested to see how this works in practice.
--- Quote from: Solar on March 26, 2010, 01:21:04 pm ---- Doc countdown should've changed as of last night (At about 10-11 GMT)
- When the engine can support cooldown counting down as turns are taken, this will be how it will work
- Doc cooldown should be lower now (see above). If it isn't its a bug and will be fixed.
- Healer class chars got a tremendous boost IMO. No longer will every man and his dog have 100 FA and be able to take care of all their FA-ing needs, so there should be a place for battlefield medics (Both in terms of being able to heal multiple people with your FA skill and in the extra ability a dedicated doctor char has over a simple FA PvP char.
As for why people would bother to use medic's services rather than use stims, stims still cost money - hopefully the cost of healing is a little more reasonable to see stims used, but free still beats any cost.
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Q1: What kind of medical "service" will use players during the leveling characters in wasteland? I mean serious enemies, like floaters, centaurs, deathclaws etc..
Q2: Are you sure, that combat medic will have time to heal 2 people in battle? Battles before wipe were no longer then few minutes. Are you sure that with high FA and DOC will be able to use it at least 3x per battle (= cca 1 minute cooldown for FA and DOC)?
Thats up to the players. The tools are there.
Want to heal yourself at roughly the same speed as before, or want to be a reliable Medic to your gang? You'll need the Doc skill aswell
Want to heal your gang mates? You can have high FA without Doc
Want to heal yourself without having to use skill points? Stims and Super Stims are pretty cheap
What you will not be able to do is look after all of your FA needs from a minimal investment in FA, you won't be able to use turn based timers you make critters easy and nor will it be possible to pump XP to level to quite the same extent.
We shall see how the system goes.
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