Other > Closed suggestions

FA and doc as of 03.25 wipe

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--- Quote from: Solar on March 26, 2010, 02:07:47 pm ---Thats up to the players. The tools are there.

Want to heal yourself at roughly the same speed as before, or want to be a reliable Medic to your gang? You'll need the Doc skill aswell
Want to heal your gang mates? You can have high FA without Doc
Want to heal yourself without having to use skill points? Stims and Super Stims are pretty cheap

What you will not be able to do is look after all of your FA needs from a minimal investment in FA, you won't be able to use turn based timers you make critters easy and nor will it be possible to pump XP to level to quite the same extent.

We shall see how the system goes.

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 Why you devs want so much long time leveling, when you can not do nothing realy funny during this time?


--- Quote from: Lordus on March 26, 2010, 09:17:10 am --- FA and DOC realy sucks now.

 I dont know, how long i will have to leveling my char, if i must wait 7 minutes after one succesful encounter (or 1/5... - depends on how many floaters, centaurs or other though creatures will be in encounter). I dont know, if mr. big (Lexx) tried to spent at least one day with leveling
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then maybe stop worrying about leveling to your 15+ level when you can finally play 2D deathmatch, and start playing MMORPG

What I would say I'm disappointed with is the lack of a crafting path for doctors.

Gunners can start churning out BBs and BB guns (which is great, by the way), but doctors can't start out by crafting humble healing powders and antidotes to get basic xp and some starter cash.

Guys, let's give the current settings a chance. I feel fine about FA/DOC right now (even though - DAMN - it is the first time I haven't tagged doctor and now it is really useful :'( )

Besides - I've got level 3 and 25% doctor. This 25% doctor is quite often enough to erase weaken on my char. Try it ;]

I like the new system. It prevents xp farming from FA and the stimpaks are now much more worth than before.
It feels more like the original Fallout to me than before.


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