I would like to invite you to San Francisco Apocalypse - event telling the story of pirate raid on San Francisco
AD 2238. The pirates attacking the city is the frightful Glowing Pete's Crew - a group of super mutants and
ghouls operating on the shores of the Pacific Ocean - murdering, pillaging and kidnapping. Here they are:
As you can see there are two ships at the disposal of the crew. Good ships, but unfortunately they are
too small to carry large quantity of goods. This made the attack on San Francisco problematic - even if the
crew managed to plunder the town, they wouldn't be able to escape with all the loot using their small ships.
However, one night a brilliant plan emerged in the head of Glowing Pete - there is a large, old tanker moored
at the docks of San Francisco. The pirates could use it to escape with all the loot they can imagine. A spy
sent to San Francisco discovered that the tanker isn't operational. Fortunately all things needed to fix that
are in the city already - Fuel stored in a warehouse in the western side of San Francisco and Computer Parts
from the outpost of Brotherhood of Steel. Glowing Pete quickly sketched a very detailed plan:
Event DetailsThere will be 2 sides - Glowing Pete's Crew AKA the pirates and the San Francisco defenders.
Players can choose any side but there is a limit for pirates.
Players can't join the pirates with their own characters. There will be special new accounts prepared,
the logins and passwords will be revealed during event start. There will be no rules of acquiring the
accounts - whoever takes it first can play with it. Idling on the accounts isn't allowed, people who
won't do anything will be disconnected from the accounts during the event. Offline characters can
be taken by anyone again.
All the objectives of the pirates are shown on the map. For minimal victory the pirates have to take
control of the tanker and move fuel and computer parts there. It means the crew escaped with the
tanker but without the most important loot - caps from the bank. For standard victory they also have
to grab containers of caps from the bank and move it to tanker. For decisive victory they have to
additionally kidnap the General Secretary from the Shi Palace for ransom.
Pirates will be able to capture additional spawn points in the tanker, San Francisco and Shi Palace,
but only capturing the tanker is required for the victory.
Pirates won't have outfitters - instead they won't be lootable and respawn with items they carry.
They will have much higher carry weight than normal characters. In practice it means capturing
Fuel, Computer Parts and Caps will be possible by simply picking them by any of the pirate.
These items will be too heavy for normal players, so they can be only defended not moved.
Glowing Pete has one life - killing him in the case of victory of pirates will mean it's a pyrrhic victory
- if he is dead the pirates will turn against each other soon after the battle and the crew will disperse.
San Francisco defenders are normal player characters which will be taken to the event. For San Francisco
defenders there is one objective - prevent the pirates from achieving the victory with optional killing the
Glowing Pete for decisive victory of the defenders.
The event will be on the next Friday, so if you have some comments/questions feel free to post.
Here is more detailed view on objectives of Pirates:
As you can see there is more than one instance of each objective.
There more you get to tanker the better (for pirates). You should get more than half.
Each pirate will be able to carry only one box at a time.